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총 52,377건 중 51,641 - 51,660건 출력
  • 51641
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    A true coppie of a discourse written by a gentleman, employed in the late voyage of Spaine and Portingale sent to his particular friend, and by him published, for the better satisfaction of all such, as hauing been seduced by particular report, haue entred into conceipts tending to the discredit of the enterprise, and actors of the same.
  • 51642
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    A true description out of the VVorde of God of the visible church
  • 51643
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    A true discourse of the discomfiture of the Duke of Aumalle, vvith his troupes of horsmen in Picardie, by the Duke of Longueville Also other troupes of men discomfited in Beausse, by the Lord of Chastillon: together with the king of Nauarre his letters to the inhabitants of Orleans.
  • 51644
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    A true discourse of the most happy victories obtayned by the French King, against the rebels and enemies of his Maiesty With a particular declaration of all that hath beene done betweene the two armies, during the monthes of September and October, and part of Nouember. 1589. Also of the taking of the subburbes of Paris by the King. Faithfully trans
  • 51645
    Book Info
    A true discourse of the most happy victories obtayned by the French King, against the rebels and enemies of his Maiesty. With a particular declaration of all that hath bèene done betweene the two armies, during the monthes of September and October, and part of Nouember. 1589. Also of the taking of teh [sic] subburbes of Paris by the King. Here vnto
  • 51646
    Book Info
    A trve discovrse of the discomfitvre of the Dvke of Avmalle, vvith his trovpes of horsmen in Picardie, by the Dvke of Longveville. Also other troupes of men discomfited in Beausse, by the Lord of Chastillon: together with the king of Nauarre his letters to the inhabitants of Orleans.
    De Lorraine Aumale
  • 51647
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    Temporis filia veritas A mery devise called the troublsome travell of tyme, and the daungerous delivery of her daughter trueth. Interlocutours, Bennion the button-maker: and Balthesar the barber.
  • 51648
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    Th'appellation of Iohn Penri, vnto the highe court of Parliament from the bad and iniurious dealing of th'Archb. of Canterb. & other his colleagues of the high commission: wherin the complainant, humbly submitting himselfe and his cause vnto the determination of this honorable assembly: craueth nothing els, but either release from trouble and perse
  • 51649
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    The text of the Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes. With arguments of bookes, chapters, and annotations, pretending to discouer the corruptions of diuers translations, and to cleare the controuersies of these dayes. VVhereunto is added the translation out of the o
  • 51650
    Book Info
    Titi Liuii Patauanii Romanae historiae principis, libri omnes quotquot ad nostram aetatem peruenerunt, post varias doctorum virorum emendationes, & veterum & recentium exemplarium collatione summa fide ac diligentia recogniti, & ad publicam vtilitatem denuò editi. Quibus adiuncta est chronologia noua, accommodata ad tabulas Capitolinas Verii Flacci
  • 51651
    Book Info
    Titi Liuii Patauini Romanae historiae principis, libri omnes quotquot ad nostram aetatem peruenerunt, post varias doctorum virorum emendationes, & veterum & recentium exemplarium collatione summa fide ac diligentia recogniti, & ad publicam vtilitatem denuò editi. Quibus adiuncta est chronologia noua, accommodata ad tabulas Capitolinas Verii Flacci,
  • 51652
    Book Info
    Titi Liuii Patauini Romanae historiae principis, libri omnes quotquot ad nostram aetatem peruenerunt, post varias doctorum virorum emendationes, & veterum & recentium exemplarium collatione summa fide ac diligentia recogniti, & ad publicam vtilitatem denuò editi. Quibus adiuncta est chronologia noua, accommodata ad tabulas Capitolinas Verii Flacci,
  • 51653
    Book Info
    Titi Liuii Patauini Romanae historiæ principis, libri omnes quotquot ad nostram ætatem peruenerunt, post varias doctorum virorum emendationes, & veterum & recentium exemplarium collatione summa fide ac diligentia recogniti, & ad publicam vtilitatem denuò editi. Quibus adiuncta est chronologia noua, accommodata ad tabulas Capitolinas Verii Flacci, annotationibus vtilissimis, varietatem seu dissens
  • 51654
    Book Info
    Titi Liuij Patauini Romanae historiae principis libri omnes, quotquot ad nostram aetatem peruenerunt, post varias doctorum virorum emendationes, & veterum & recentium exemplarium collatione summa fide ac diligentia recogniti, & ad publicam vtilitatem denuò editi : quibvs adiuncta est chronologia noua, accommodata ad tabulas Capitolinas Verii Flacci, annotationibus vtilissimis, va
  • 51655
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    Toxophilus the schoole, or partitions of shooting contayned in two bookes, written by Roger Ascham and now newly perused. ...
  • 51656
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    Tractado del conseio y de los consieros de los principes compuesto por el Doctor Bartolome Felippe ; dirigido al muy altoy serenissimo Señor Cardenal Alberto Legado y Archiduque Daustria.
  • 51657
    Book Info
    Tvvelve rules, and vveapons concerning the spirituall battel Together with a briefe exposition vpon the sixteene Psalme: with two most worthie epistles, written in Latin by that most worthy and noble gentleman Iohn Picus Earle of Mirandula. And translated into English for the benefite of all good Christian souldiers in the spirituall battaile.
  • 51658
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall word
  • 51659
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meaning
  • 51660
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meaning