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총 52,377건 중 51,701 - 51,720건 출력
  • 51701
    Book Info
    True and Christian friendshippe With all the braunches, members, parts, and circumstances thereof, Godly and learnedly described. Written first in Latine by that excellent and learned man, Lambertus Danaeus, and now turned into English. Together also with a right excellent inuectiue of the same author, against the wicked exercise of diceplay, and o
  • 51702
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the seconde comprehending all such other principall wor
  • 51703
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the seconde comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meanin
  • 51704
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    Two fruitfull and godly sermons, preached at Dorchester in Dorsetshyre, the one touching the building of Gods temple, the other what the temple is.
  • 51705
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    A testimonie of the true Church of God confirmed as well by the doctrine as liues of sundry holy men, both patriarkes, and prophetes, and also by the Apostles and their true successours. Wherein is manifestly shewed how that God hath in all ages raysed vp some, yea euen in most horrible darkenesse, which haue beene faithfull stewards, and true disp
  • 51706
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    A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons. Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, co
  • 51707
    Book Info
    A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons. Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, co
  • 51708
    Book Info
    A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons. Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, containing a short collection of his birth, educati
  • 51709
    Book Info
    A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie. The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons. : Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, conteyning a short collection of his birth, educ
  • 51710
    Book Info
    A true and summarie reporte of the declaration of some part of the Earle of Northumberlands treasons deliuered publiquelie in the Court at the Starrechamber by the Lord Chauncellour and others of her Maiesties most Honourable priuie Counsell, and Counsell learned, by her Maiesties special commandement, together with the examinations & depositions o
  • 51711
    Book Info
    A true and summarie reporte of the declaration of some part of the Earle of Northumberlands treasons deliuered publiquelie in the Court at the Starrechamber by the Lord Chauncellour and others of her Maiesties most Honourable priuie Counsell, and Counsell learned, by her Maiesties special commandement, together with the examinations & depositions o
  • 51712
    Book Info
    A true discourse of the late battaile fought betweene our Englishmen, and the Prince of Parma, on Monday the 15. of Nouember 1585 and of such towers and cities as are of late conquered and brought to the Queenes Maiesties subiection, by that valiant gentleman M. Norris.
  • 51713
    Book Info
    A true report of the gener[all] imbarrement of all the English shippes, vnder the domin[ion] of the kinge of Spaine and of the daungerous aduenture, a[nd] wonderfull deliuerance of a ship of Londo[n] called the Viol[et,] being of the burthen of 130. tunne: by the especiall prouid[ence] of God, from the violence of Spanyardes, at a port called [S.]
  • 51714
    Book Info
    A true report of the taking of Marseilles by the fauourers of the league togither with the rescue therof by the kings faithful subiects, wherin may be seene the woonderfull prouidence of almighty God in the deliuerie of them that trust in him from the trecherous and bloudie deuises of their aduersaries. Lately translated out of French.
  • 51715
    Book Info
    A true report of the yeelding vp of the cittie of Antwarpe, vnto the Prince of Parma, which was on the seauenteenth day of August last past. 1585. On which day he was receiued with a garrison of soldiers into the sayd cittie, by the inhabitants therein, with great pompe and triumphe. VVhereunto is adioyned the articles of agreement sent before by t
  • 51716
    Book Info
    Tables of surgerie brieflie comprehending the whole art and practise thereof in a maruelous good method, collected and gathered out of the best physicians by Horatius Morus a Florentine physician: and faithfullie translated out of Latine into our English toong, by Richard Caldwall doctor of physicke.
  • 51717
    Book Info
    Terentius a M. Antonio Mureto, locis prope innumerabilibus emendatus & argumentis in singulas fabulas illustratus. Vulgatae annotatiucule in margine ad scriptae: argumenta in omnes scenas: index vocum antiquarum apud Terentium. Seorsum excusae annotationes Mureti, auctae a Francisco Fabricio Marcodurano. Variaelectiones siue emendationes potius, è veteribus exemplarib. Theodori Pulmanni.
  • 51718
    Book Info
    Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, Libri canonici priscae iudaeorum ecclesiae a Deo traditi Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusq[ue] scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio ; accesserunt libri qui Vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latinè redditi & notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio ; multo omnes quam ante emendatiùs editi, numeru locisq[ue] citatis omn
  • 51719
    Book Info
    Testamenti veteris Biblia sacra sive libri canonici priscae Iudaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusq[ue] scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur apocryphi, Latinè redditi & notis quibusdam aucti a Franciso Junio. Multo omnes quam ante emendatiùs editi, nu
  • 51720
    Book Info
    Testamenti veteris Biblia sacra sive libri canonici, priscae Iudaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusq[ue] scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur apocryphi, Latinè redditi & notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio. Multo omnes quam ante emendatiùs editi,