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총 52,377건 중 51,761 - 51,780건 출력
  • 51761
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    A true reporte, of the late discoueries, and possession, taken in the right of the Crowne of Englande, of the new-found landes: by that valiaunt and worthye gentleman, Sir Humfrey Gilbert Knight Wherein is also breefely sette downe, her highnesse lawfull tytle therevnto, and the great and manifolde commodities, that is likely to grow thereby, to th
  • 51762
    Book Info
    The third part of the Bible (after some division) conteining fiue excellent bookes, most commodious for all Christians / faithfully translated out of the Ebrewe, and expounded with most profitable annotations vpon the harder places ; the names whereof, with other the contents of this booke, followe in the next page.|Bible. O.T. Hagiographa. English. Geneva. Selections. 1583.
  • 51763
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    Three formes of catechismes conteyning the most principall pointes of religion. R.H.
  • 51764
    Book Info
    Triumphus logicae Rameae ubi tum in ipsa praecepta P. Rami addita, tum in vniuersos eius interpretes & animaduersores animaduersiones obseruationes a plurimae proponunter a Guilhelmo Adolpho Scribonio philosopho medico.
  • 51765
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first containing the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the seconde comprehending all such other principall wor
  • 51766
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall the first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names... : the seconde comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meaning of the Scriptures ... / collected by R.F.H.|Two right profitable and fruitful concordances.
  • 51767
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    A treatise of reformation in religion diuided into seuen sermons preached in Oxeford, by Harbart Westfaling, doctor of diuinitie. Hereunto are added two sermons touching the supper of the Lorde.
  • 51768
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    A true and iust recorde, of the information, examination and confession of all the witches, taken at S. Ofes in the countie of Essex whereof some were executed, and other some entreated according to the determination of lawe. Wherein all men may see what a pestilent people witches are, and how vnworthy to lyue in a Christian Commonwealth. Written o
  • 51769
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    A true discourse of the assault committed vpon the person of the most noble prince, William Prince of Orange, Countie of Nassau, Marquesse de la Vere &c. by Iohn Iauregui Spaniarde With the true copies of the writings, examinations, depositions, and letters of sundrie offenders in that vile and diuelish atempte. Faithfullye translated out of the Fr
    Jauregui y Aguilar
  • 51770
    Book Info
    A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion Iesuite and preiste, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan preistes, at Tiborne the first of December 1581 Observid and written by a Catholike preist, which was present therat Wheruuto [sic] is annexid certayne verses made by sundrie persons
  • 51771
    Book Info
    The tenour of the letters directed by the lords of hir highnesse privie counsell to hir Maiesties high comissioners in causes ecclesiasticall, for the publike receyving and teaching of Ch. Ocklandes booke in all Grammer & freescholes within this realme.|Anglorum praelia ab anno Domini 1327.
  • 51772
    Book Info
    The true report of a late practise enterprised by a papist with a yong maiden in Wales, accompted emongst our Catholiques in those partes for a greater prophetise, then euer was the holie maide of Kent, till now on Sundaie beyng the iiii. of Marche this present yere 1582. in the Cathedrall Churche at Chester, before the whole assemblie then at a se
  • 51773
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first contayning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall wor
  • 51774
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    Two godlie and learned sermons, preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great audience, both of honor and vvoorship. The first, containeth a proofe of the subtill practises of dissembling neuters, and politique worldlings. The other, a charge and instruction, for all vnlearned, negligent, and dissolute ministers: and an exhortation to the com
  • 51775
    Book Info
    A Treatise of daunses wherin it is shewed, that they are as it were accessories and depe[n]dants (or thinges annexed) to whoredome, where also by the way is touched and proued, that playes are ioyned and knit togeather in a rancke or rowe with them.
  • 51776
    Book Info
    A treatie of the churche conteining a true discourse, to knowe the true church by, and to discerne it from the Romish church, and all other false assemblies, or counterfet congregations / vvritten by M. Bertrande de Loque ... ; and faithfully translated out of French into English, by T.VV.
  • 51777
    Book Info
    A treatie of the churche conteining a true discourse, to knowe the true church by, and to discerne it from the Romish church, and all other false assemblies, or counterfet congregations / vvritten by M. Bertrande de Loque ... ; and faithfully translated out of French into English, by T.VV.
  • 51778
    Book Info
    A treatise of the Churche, contening a true discourse, to knowe the true Church by, and to discerne it from the Romish Church, and all other false assemblies, or counterfet congregations. / Dedicated to my lorde the Vicunt of Turenne, by Bertrand de Loque of Daulphinee: and faithfully translated out of French into English, by T.W.
    De Loque
  • 51779
    Book Info
    A treatise of the church in which are handled all the principall questions, that haue beene mooued in our time concerning that matter / by Philip of Mornay ... ; the contentes whereof appeare in the next page.|Traité de l?glise.
  • 51780
    Book Info
    A treatise of the church in which are handled all the principall questions, that haue beene mooued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornay, Lord of Plessis Marlyn, Gentleman of Fraunce. The contentes whereof appeare in the next page.