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총 52,377건 중 51,841 - 51,860건 출력
  • 51841
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    A treatise in Englishe and Frenche, right necesarie, and profitable for all young children (the contentes whereof appeare in a table in the ende of this booke) / made by Peter du Ploiche, teacher of the same: and newly reuised by the saied authour, and the ortographie corrected, as it must bée pronounced. 1578..
  • 51842
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    A treatise of schisme Shewing, that al Catholikes ought in any wise to abstaine altogether from heretical conuenticles, to witt, their prayers, sermons. &c, deuided into foure chapters, whereof 1. Conteineth sundry reasons to that purpose, grounded for the most part vppon scriptures and fathers. 2.Examples out of holy scriptures. 3. Examples out of
  • 51843
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    A treatise of the preparation to the holy supper of our onely sauiour and redeemer, Iesus Christe Necessarie for all them that will worthily approch to the Lords holy table. Also a dialogue containing the principall points, which they that will receiue the supper, ought to knowe, and vnderstande. By Yues Rouspeav, minister of the woord of God. And
  • 51844
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    A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northvveast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall deuided into three bookes. In the first wherof is shewed, his first voyage ... Also, there are annexed certayne reasons, to proue all partes of the worlde habitable, with a generall mappe ad
  • 51845
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    A true discourse of the late voyages of discouerie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northvveast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall deuided into three bookes. In the first wherof is shewed, his first voyage ... Also, there are annexed certayne reasons, to proue all partes of the worlde habitable, with a generall mappe adioyned. In the second, is set out his second voya
  • 51846
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    A true report of the third and last voyage into Meta incognita: achieued by the worthie Capteine, M. Martine Frobisher Esquire. Anno. 1578. Written by Thomas Ellis sailer and one of the companie
  • 51847
    Book Info
    A true report of the third and last voyage into Meta incognita: atchieued by the worthie Capteine, M. Martine Frobisher Esquire. Anno. 1578. / Written by Thomas Ellis sailer and one of the companie.
  • 51848
    Book Info
    A true report of the third and last voyage into Meta incognita: atchieued by the worthie Capteine, M. Martine Frobisher Esquire. Anno. 1578. / Written by Thomas Ellis sailer and one of the companie.
  • 51849
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    Tarletons tragical treatises contaynyng sundrie discourses and prety conceytes, both in prose and verse.
  • 51850
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    The third and last part of the the Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont by him collected out of diuers excellent authors, with a necessary table in the ende, conteyning all the matters treated of in this present worke. Englished by William Ward.
  • 51851
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    The three first bookes of Ouids de Tristibus. Translated into Engish.|Tristia.|Three first books of Ovids de Tristibus
  • 51852
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    The treatise of heauenly philosophie conteyning therein, not onely the most pithie sentences of Gods sacred Scriptures: but also the sayinges of certeine auncient and holie fathers, as also of sundrie others, prepared and ordered greatly to edifie (according to the time) the vertuous and godlie Christian. By T.P.
  • 51853
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    The true reporte of the skirmish fought betwene the states of Flaunders, and Don Ioan, duke of Austria with the number of all them that were slayne on both sides, which battel was fought the first day of August being La[m]mas day 1578
  • 51854
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    Traicte, de l'eglise auquel sont disputees les principalles questions, qui ont esté meues̈ sus ce point en nostre temps / par Philippes de Mornay ...
  • 51855
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    A tragedie of Abrahams sacrifice, written in french by Theodore Beza, and translated into Inglish, by A.G. Finished at Povvles Belchamp in Essex, the xj. of August. 1575
    De Bèze
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51856
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    A tragedie or enterlude, manifesting the chiefe promises of God vnto man, by all ages in the olde lawe from the fall of Adam to the incarnation of the Lorde Iesus Christe. Compyled by Iohn Bale. An. Do. 1538. And now fyrst imprinted. 1577. Interlocutores. ...
  • 51857
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    A treatise of the peace made and concluded between the states of the lowe countries assembled within the citie of Bruxels, and the Prince of Orenge, the states of Holland and Zeland, with the associates, published the viij. day of Nouember. 1576. VVith the agreement and confirmatio[n] of the kings maiestie, as followeth. Translated out of a dutch c
  • 51858
    Book Info
    A true reporte of the laste voyage into the west and northwest regions &c., 1577, worthily atchieved by Capteine Frobisher of the sayde voyage the first finder and generall: with a description of the people there inhabiting, and other circumstances notable
  • 51859
    Book Info
    A true reporte of the laste voyage into the west and northwest regions, &c. 1577. worthily atchieued by Capteine Frobisher of the sayde voyage the first finder and generall With a description of the people there inhabiting, and other circumstances notable. Written by Dionyse Settle, one of the companie in the sayde voyage, and seruant to the Right Honourable the Earle of Cumberland.
  • 51860
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    Tabulae de schematibus et tropis P. Mosellani in rhetorica in Erasmi Roterodami libellum de duplici copia.