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총 52,377건 중 51,881 - 51,900건 출력
  • 51881
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    Terra pacis A true testification of the spirituall lande of peace; which is the spirituall lande of promyse, and the holy citee of peace or the heauenly Ierusalem; and of the holy and spirituall people that dwell therin: as also of the walking in the spirit, which leadeth therunto. Set-foorth by HN: and by him newly perused and more-playnly declare
  • 51882
    Book Info
    Terra pacis. a true testification of the spirituall lande of peace which is the spirituall lande of promyse, and the holy citee of peace or the heauenly Ierusalem and of the holy and spirituall peop
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51883
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    Tes Hellenikes glosses stachuologia. = Graecae linguae spicilegium ex praestantissimis grammaticis, in quatuor horrea collectum, breuissimis quaestiunculis & intellectu facilimis, ad puerorum intelligentiam dispositum, & in Scholae Westmonasteriensis progymnasmata diuulgatum. Collectore E.G. Scholae eiusdem moderatore.
  • 51884
    Book Info
    Tes Hellenikes glosses stachuologia. Graecae linguae spicilegium, : ex praestantissimis grammaticis, in quatuor horrea collectum, breuissimis quaestiunculis & intellectu facilimis, ad puerorum intelligentiam dispositum, & in Scholae Westmonasteriensis progymnasmata diuulgatum. / Collectore E.G. Scholae eiusdem moderatore.
  • 51885
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    The tragedies of tyrantes Exercised vpon the church of God, from the birth of Christ vnto this present yeere. 1572. Containing the causes of them, and the iust vengeance of God vpon the authours. Also some notable comfortes and exhortations to pacience. Written by Henrie Bullinger, and now Englished.
  • 51886
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    The traueiler of Ierome Turler deuided into two bookes. The first conteining a notable discourse of the maner, and order of traueiling ouersea, or into straunge and forrein countreys. The second comprehending an excellent description of the most delicious realme of Naples in Italy. A woorke very pleasaunt for all persons to reade, and right profita
  • 51887
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    The true and perfect copie of a godly sermon preached in the minister at Lincolne, by the reuerend father in God, Thomas L. Bishop of Lincolne the .28. of August. Anno. 1575.
  • 51888
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    The true and perfect order to distill oyles out of al maner of spices seedes, rootes, and gummes with their perfect taste, smel, and sauour: where vnto is added some of their ver[t?]ues gathered out of sundry aucthors. As Gualterius, Rissius, Guinthery Andernaty, Phillipus, Hermanus, Leonardo, Phirauante, Phallopius, Cardanus..
  • 51889
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    Thirteene most pleasant and delectable questions entitled a disport of diuers noble personages, vvritten in Italian by M. Iohn Bocace Florentine and poet laureat, in his booke named Philocopo.English by H.G.
  • 51890
    Book Info
    This booke is called the treasure of gladnesse and semeth by the copie, being a very little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue. CC. yeares past at the least. Whereby appeareth how God in olde time, and not of late onely, hath bene truely confessed and honored. The copie hereof, is for the antiquitie of it, preserued and to be seene in
  • 51891
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    To the justices of peace, or cheef gentlemen of our parishes, and all other officers, toward the furtherance of this good woorke
  • 51892
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    A touchestone for this time present expresly declaring such ruines, enormities, and abuses as trouble the Churche of God and our Christian common wealth at this daye. VVherevnto is annexed a perfect rule to be obserued of all parents and scholemaisters, in the trayning vp of their schollers and children in learning. Newly set foorth by E.H.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51893
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    The testaments of the twelue patriarches the sonnes of Iacob: translated out of G[reek]e into Latine by Robert Grosthed, sometime Bishop of Lyncolne, and Englyshed by A.G. With the testament of Iacob their father: prefixed and briefly gathered out of Genesis. 48. 49.
  • 51894
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    The three partes of Commentaries containing the whole and perfect discourse of the ciuill warres of Fraunce, vnder the raignes of Henry the second, Frances the second, and of Charles the ninth. With an addition of the cruell murther of the Admirall Chastilion, and diuers other nobles, committed the 24. daye of August. Anno 1572. Translated out of L
  • 51895
    Book Info
    The three partes of commentaries containing the whole and perfect discourse of the ciuill warres of Fraunce, vnder the raignes of Henry the Second, Frances the Second, and of Charles the Ninth : with an addition of the cruell murther of the Admirall Chastilion, and diuers other nobles, committed the 24 daye of August, anno 1572 / translated out of Latine into English by Thomas Timme minister.|Com
  • 51896
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    The true order and methode of wryting and reading hystories according to the precepts of Francisco Patricio, and Accontio Tridentino, two Italian writers, no lesse plainly than briefly, set forth in our vulgar speach, to the great profite and commoditye of all those that delight in hystories. By Thomas Blundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norfolke. Anno
  • 51897
    Book Info
    This booke is called the Treasure of gladnesse and semeth by the copie, being a very little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue .CC. yeares past at the least. whereby appeareth how God in olde time, and not of late onely, hath bene truely confessed and honored. The copie hereof, is for the antiquitie of it, preserued and to be seene in
  • 51898
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    To all parsons, vicares, curates, schoolemasters, churchwardes and sydemen, and all other the Queenes Maiesties louing subiectes, within the dioces of Ely, greeting|Catechism.
  • 51899
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    Two notable sermons, made by that worthy martyr of Christ Maister Iohn Bradford, the one of repentance, and the other of the Lordes supper neuer before imprinted. Perused and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunction
  • 51900
    Book Info
    Two notable sermons. Made by that worthy martyr of Christ Maister Iohn Bradford, the one of repentance, and the other of the Lordes supper neuer before imprinted. Perused and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunction