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총 52,377건 중 52,161 - 52,180건 출력
  • 52161
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    This is the prymer in Englysh set out a longe with dyuers additions.
  • 52162
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    A treatise of the nobilitie and excellencye of vvoman kynde, translated out of Latine into englysshe by Dauid Clapam
    Von Nettesheim
  • 52163
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    The testament of Gad
  • 52164
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    The testament of Gad
  • 52165
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    The thyrde parte of the Byble contaynynge these bookes. The Psalter. The prouerbes. Ecclesiastes. Cantica Ca[n]ticoru[m]. The prophetes. Esay. Jonas. Jeremy. Micheas. Ezechiel. Naum. Daniel. Abacuc. Iseas. Sophony. Joel. Aggeus. Amos. Zachary. Abdy. Malachy.
  • 52166
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    The treatyse answerynge the boke of berdes. Compyled by Collyn clowte, dedycatyd to Barnarde barber dwellynge in Banbery
  • 52167
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    Thys is the myrour or glasse of helth necessary [and] nedefull for euery person to loke in. that wyll kepe theyr body from the sekenes of the pestylence? And it sheweth howe ye planettes reygne in euery houre of the day and the nyght with the natures and exposycyons of the .xii. sygnes, deuyded by the .xii. monthes of the yere. And sheweth the reme
  • 52168
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    A treatyse declarynge the despyte of a secrete sedycyous person that dareth not shewe hym selfe
  • 52169
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    A true copy of the ordinance made in the tyme of King Henry the VI to be obserued in the Kinges Escheker by the offycers and clerkes there for takynge of fees of the Kynges accomptauntes
  • 52170
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    The thre bokes of Tullius offyce, bothe in latyn tongue and englysh, / late translated and dylige[n]tly corrected by Robart Whytynton laureat poete..
  • 52171
    Book Info
    This is a true copy of the ordynaunce made in the tyme of the reygne of Kynge Henry the .VI. to be obserued in the kynges Eschequier by the officers and clerkes of the same for takynge of fees of the kynges accomptis in the same courte.
  • 52172
    Book Info
    This is the glasse of helth a great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from sycnesses [and] dysseases. And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne euery houre of the daye [and] the nyght, with the natures [and] exposycyons of ye .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monthes of the yeare. A
  • 52173
    Book Info
    This is the myrour or glasse of helthe necessary and nedefull for euery persone to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body frome the syckenes of the pestile[n]ce? And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye and nyght, with the natures and exposicio[n] of the. xij. signes, deuyded by the. xij. monthes of the yere, [and] sheweth th
  • 52174
    Book Info
    This is the myrour or glasse of helthe necessary and nedefull for euery persone to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body frome the syckenes of the pestile[n]ce? And it sheweth howe the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye and nyght, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the. xij. signes, deuyded by the. xij. monthes of the yere, [and] sheweth t
  • 52175
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    Thus endeth the Rutter of the dystaunce from one porte or Countree to another
  • 52176
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    Thus endeth the Rutter of the dystaunce from one porte or Countree to another
  • 52177
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    A treatise of charite
  • 52178
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    The testament of Joseph whych was translated oute of Greke into Latyne by a certayn bysshop of lyncoln called (by hys syr name) Grosthede, and into Englishe, by wyllyam freloue. Reade thys prety [and] wholsome volume, that maye theach the [sic] to fle from the abhominable synne of adultery.
  • 52179
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    A treatise concernynge generall councilles, the byshoppes of Rome, and the clergy
  • 52180
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    A treatise concernynge generall councilles, the byshoppes of Rome, and the clergy