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총 52,377건 중 52,201 - 52,220건 출력
  • 52201
    Book Info
    A treatise declaryng [and] shewig dyuers causes take[n] out of the holy scriptur[es] of the sente[n]ces of holy faders [and] of the decrees of deuout emperours, that pyctures [and] other ymages which were wont to be worshypped, ar i[n] no wise to be suffred in the temples or churches of Christen men. By the whiche treatise the reder that is indiffe
  • 52202
    Book Info
    A treatyse concerni[n]ge the power of the clergye and the lawes of the realme. Cu[m] priuilegio regali.
    Saint German
  • 52203
    Book Info
    A treuue nyeuu tydynges of the wo[n]derfull worckes of the rebaptisers of Mu[n]ster in Westuaell how the cete haethe bene wo[n]ne and in what mannar the kinge is taeken, and all their deades and intencyons haethe taeken an ende [et]c. Iohu[n] of Ley a kinge of nyew Iherusalem and of the hoole vniuerall worlde beynghe in the aege of. xxvi. years. Ae
  • 52204
    Book Info
    A true copy of the ordinance made in the tyme of Kynge Henry the VI to be obserued in the Kynges Escheker by the officers and clerkes there for takinge of fees of the Kynges acco[m]ptauntes
  • 52205
    Book Info
    Tales / and Quicke Answeres, Very Mery, and Pleasant To Rede
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 52206
    Book Info
    The testament of master Wylliam Tracie esquier, expounded both by Willism Tindall and Iho[n] Frith. Wherin thou shalt perceyue with what charitie y[e] chaunceler of Worcester burned whan he toke vp the deek carkas and made asshes of hit after hit was buried
  • 52207
    Book Info
    The triades or trinities of Rome translated in to Englyshe Them that synne rebuke openly that other may feare and drede. Timo.v.
  • 52208
    Book Info
    This lytell treatyse compendiously declareth the damage and destruction in realmes caused by the serpente of diuision.
  • 52209
    Book Info
    Thys prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long vvout ony serchyng, vvith many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse, in the .vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge. And be nevvly emprynted at Parys. 1534.|Book of hours (Salisbury)|This prymer of Salysbury use
  • 52210
    Book Info
    Tullius de senectute bothe in latyn and Englysshe tonge translated by Robert Whitinton poete Laureate. Cum priuilegio regali.
  • 52211
    Book Info
    Tullius de senectute bothe in latyn and Englysshe tonge translated by Robert Whitinton poete Laureate. Cum priuilegio regali.
  • 52212
    Book Info
    A treatise vvherin Christe and his techynges, are compared with the pope and his doinges
  • 52213
    Book Info
    A treatyse of the donation or gyfte and endowme[n]t of possessyons, gyuen and graunted vnto Syluester pope of Rhome, by Constantyne emperour of Rome [and] what truth is in the same grau[n] thou mayst se, and rede ye iugement of certayne great lerned men, whose names on the other page of this leafe done appere.
  • 52214
    Book Info
    A treatyse of the donation or gyfte and endowme[n]t of possessyons, gyuen and graunted vnto Syluester pope of Rhome, by Constantyne emperour of Rome [and] what truth is in the same grau[n] thou mayst se, and rede ye iugement of certayne great lerned men, whose names on the other page of this leafe done appere.
  • 52215
    Book Info
    A true copy of the ordinance made in the tyme of Kynge Henry the VI. to be obserued in the Kynges Escheker, by the offycers and clerkes there for takynge of fees of the Kynges acco[m]ptauntes
  • 52216
    Book Info
    The thre bookes of Tyllyes offyces both in latyne tonge [et] in englysshe, lately translated by Roberte Whytinton poete laureate.
  • 52217
    Book Info
    Thys prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long without ony serchyng, wyth many prayers and goodly pyctures in the kale[n]der in the matyns off our lady, in the honres [sic] of the crosse, in the vij, [sic] psalmes [et] in the dyryge wyth the .xv. oos [et] the confessionall.
  • 52218
    Book Info
    A treatise of charitie
  • 52219
    Book Info
    A treatise vvriten by Iohan Valerian a greatte clerke of Italie, which is intitled in latin Pro sacerdotum barbis translated in to Englysshe
  • 52220
    Book Info
    This is a true copy of the ordinaunce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges Eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takyng of fees of the kynges accomptis in the same courte