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총 52,377건 중 52,241 - 52,260건 출력
  • 52241
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    This is the myrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from the syckenes of the pestylence: and it sheweth howe the planettes raygne, in euery houre of the daye and the nyght: with the natures and exposicions of the .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monthes of the yere. And sheweth the r
  • 52242
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    This lytell boke contaynethe certayne gostly medycynes necessary to be vsed among wel disposed people to eschewe & to auoyde the comen plage of pestilens thus collecte and sette forth in ordre by the diligent laboure of the religyous brother Syr Paule Bushe preste and Bonehome in the good house of Edyndon.
  • 52243
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    This prayer [sic] of Salisbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse, in the. vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge.
  • 52244
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kale[n]der, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse in the. vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge.
  • 52245
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    This boke doth treate all of the beste waters artyfycialles and the vertues and properties of the same, moche profytable for the poore sycke, set forthe by syr Roger Becon frere..
  • 52246
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    This boke is named the beaulte of women, translated out of Frenche in to Englysshe..
  • 52247
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    This is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of Kynge Henry the VI to be obserued in the Kynges Eschequier by the officers and clerkes of the same for takynge of fees of the Kynges accomptis in the same court
  • 52248
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    Thystory of Jacob & his xii sones
  • 52249
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    Tullius de amicicia, in Englysh. Here after ensueth a goodly treatyse of amyte or frendshyp compylyd in Latyn by the most eloquente Romayne Marcus Tullius Cicero and lately translatyd in to Englyshe.|Laelius de amicitia.
  • 52250
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    Tertio die Nouembris anno .xxi. Henrici.viii. The act agayns kyllyng of calues
  • 52251
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    This boke called the Te[m]ple of glasse, is in many places amended, and late diligently imprynted
  • 52252
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a lo[n]g wout ony serchyng, with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse, in the .vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge.
  • 52253
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    This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayenges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compiled by the right reuerent father in god Iohn fyssher doctour of diuinite and bysshop of Rochester at the exortacyon and sterynge of the moost excellent princesse Margarete cou[n]tesse of Rych
  • 52254
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    Temperance and humility
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 52255
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    That fayth the mother of all good workes iustifieth us before we ca[n] bringe forth anye good worke...
  • 52256
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    Tho. wyatis translatyon of Plutarckes boke, of the quyete of mynde
  • 52257
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    Thus endeth the rutter of ye see ...
  • 52258
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    Thus endeth the rutter of ye see ...
  • 52259
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    Thus endeth the rutter of ye see ...
  • 52260
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a lo[n]g wout ony serchyng, with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the Kale[n]der, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse, in the .vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge. And be newly enprynted at Paris. 1527.