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총 52,377건 중 52,261 - 52,280건 출력
  • 52261
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long with out ony serchyng, with many prayers, [and] goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse, in the vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge. And be newly enprynted at Parys. M.ccccc. xxxi.
  • 52262
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    Thus endeth the legende, named in latyn Lege[n]da aurea that is to saye in englysshe the golden legende ...
  • 52263
    Book Info
    Tractatus secundarum intentionum logicaliu[m] vtilissimus scotistis nouellis & ad caeteras intentiones secundas. s. gra[m]maticales & rethoricales perfecte cognoscendas splendidissimum lumen prebet studentibus
  • 52264
    Book Info
    This is a true copy of thordinau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of Kynge Henri the vi to be obseruyd in the Kynges Eschequier by thoffycers and clerkes of the same for takynge of fees of the Kynges accomptau[n]t[es] in the same courte
  • 52265
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    The tennris [sic]
  • 52266
    Book Info
    This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayenges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compiled by the right reuerent father in god Iohn fyssher doctour of diuinite and bysshop of Rochester at the exortacyon and sterynge of the moost excellent pryncesse Margarete cou[n]tesse of Rych
  • 52267
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    Thomae Linacri Britanni de emendata structura Latini sermonis libri sex
    Linacre, Thomas
  • 52268
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    The tenuris|Old tenures.
  • 52269
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    Thystory of Jacob & his. xii. sones
  • 52270
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    Tenir p[er] seruyce de chiualer|Old tenures.
  • 52271
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    Terens in Englysh
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 52272
    Book Info
    Thomae Mori Epistola ad Germanu[m] Brixiu[m] qui quum Morus in libellum eius, quo contumeliosis mendacijs incesserat Angliam: lusisset aliquot epigrammata annis ab hinc plus septe[m]ia[m] intra sesquimensem, in summa Anglorum Gallorumq[ue] co[n]cordia, sub ipsum conuentum principu[m], aedidit aduersus Morum libellu[m], qui et ineptis et uirulentis
  • 52273
    Book Info
    This is the cronycle of all the kyng[es] names that haue ben in Englande, and how many yeres they reygned and how many saynt[es] & martyrs haue ben i[n] this lande, and shewith the hole su[m]me, from the makyng of the worlde tyll the co[m]mynge of Brute, ye whiche is iiii.M.lxxvii. yeres and fro[m] the co[m]mynge of Brute to the Incarnation of Christe is M.C.xxii yeres, &
  • 52274
    Book Info
    Tractat[us] p[er]breuis de materia [et] forma M[a]g[ist]ri Walteri Burlei doctoris plantissimi. Aliud perbreue co[m]pendiu[m] de relatiuis eiusdem doctoris vtile tamen admodum nouellis logicis.
  • 52275
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    Tabula prime [-tercie] partis magni abbreuiame[n]ti libro[rum] legu[m] angloru[m]
  • 52276
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    Tabula prime partis magni abbreuiame[n]ti libroru[m] legu[m] angloru[m]
  • 52277
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    This Boke Called Ye Pastyme of Pleasure
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 52278
    Book Info
    Tractatus expositorius, super libros posterioru[m] Arestotilis preclarissimi philisophi Walteri Burlei artium liberalium et trium philosophiaru[m] magistri meritissimi: ac in sacra theologia doctoris perspicacissimi planissimiq[ue] suis posteris Oxoniensibus admodum vtilis incipit feliciter cum summa diligentia. recognitus.
  • 52279
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    Textus alexandri cum sententiis et co[n]structionibus
  • 52280
    Book Info
    Tenir per seruice de chiualer: est a tenir p[er] homage foialte [et] escuage [et] tret a luy garde mariage [et] rel[i]f ...