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총 52,377건 중 52,281 - 52,300건 출력
  • 52281
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    Textus alexandri c[o]n sententus et constructionibus, [et] vocabuloru[m] interpretationib[us] necno[n] cotationibus in margine appositis.
  • 52282
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    Thartycles of the effecte of the othe made at the laste parlyme[n]t by thauctoryte of the same of the prese[n]tours to be named [and] assigned of dyuers placis by the seuerall kynges co[m]missioners assygned by his letters patentes for the settynge, taxinge, ratynge, [and] assessynge of the kynges subsedie ...
  • 52283
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    Tabula libri assisaru[m] [et] pl[ac]itorum corone
  • 52284
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    Textus Alexandri cu sentetiis & constructionibus
  • 52285
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    Tenir per seruice de chiualer, est a tenir p[er] homage foialte ...|Old tenures.
  • 52286
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    Termino Hillarii anno .xl. E. Tertii.|Year books (Edward III : 1327-1377)|Anno .xl. E. Tertii
  • 52287
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    The thre kynges of Coleyne
  • 52288
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    The thre kynges of Coleyne
  • 52289
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    This is the begynnynge, and contynuaunce of the pylgrymage of Sir Richarde Guylforde Knyght [and] controuler vnto our late soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the. vij. And howe he went with his seruauntz and company towardes Iherusalem
  • 52290
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    This present boke called the gouernaunce of kynges and prync[es] imprynted at the co[m]maundement of the good and honourable syre Charles Somerset Lorde Herbert: and chaumberleyne vnto oure soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the. viii.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 52291
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  • 52292
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    That is made of calamelles, & therof is sugre made.
  • 52293
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    That is made of calamelles, & therof is sugre made.
  • 52294
    Book Info
    This treatise concernynge the fruytful saynges of Dauyde the kynge [and] prophete in the seuen penyte[n]cyal psalmes Deuyded i[n] seuen sermons was made and compyled by the ryght reuerente fader in god Iohan fyssher doctoure of dyuynyte [and] bysshop of Rochester at the exortacion and sterynge of the mooste excellente pryncesse Margarete countesse
  • 52295
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    Thystory of Iacoby and his twelue sones
  • 52296
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    Thystorye of Jacob and his twelue sones.|Story of Jacob and his twelve sons|Jacob and his twelve sons
  • 52297
    Book Info
    This sermon folowynge was compyled [and] sayd in the cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within ye cyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Iohn bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye, the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specy
  • 52298
    Book Info
    This sermon folowynge was compyled [et] sayd in the cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within ye cyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Iohn bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye, the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of ye ryght excellent pryncesse Margare
  • 52299
    Book Info
    This treatyse concernynge the fruytful saynges of Dauid the kynge & prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compyled by the ryght reuerente fader in god Iohan fyssher doctoure of dyuynyte & bysshop of Rochester at the exortacyo[n] and sterynge of the moost excelle[n]t princesse Margarete cou[n]tesse of Rych
  • 52300
    Book Info
    This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull saynges of Dauyd the kynge [and] prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compyled by the ryght reuerente fader in god Iohan fyssher doctour of dyuynite and bysshop of Rochester at the exortacion and sterynge of the moost excelle[n]t pryncesse Margarete cou[n]tesse of Rychemou[n]t [and] Derby, [and] moder to our souera