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총 52,377건 중 52,361 - 52,377건 출력
  • 52361
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    To Joseph Colinge Esq; marshal of the Marshalsea of His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench before our soveraign Lord the King. And to all sheriffs, bayliffs of liberties, goalers, keepers of prisons, and all other persons whom it may concern.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52362
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    To Vetus an old antiquary.
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  • 52363
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    To all that buy almanacks. A gentlemen, A good new year to ye: and I believe you with the like to us too, for that is but manners:.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52364
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    To the most high and mighty prince, James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. The translatours of the Bible with grace, mercy, and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52365
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    To the priest of [Borwick?], deliver
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  • 52366
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    To the reader.
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  • 52367
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    To the reader.
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  • 52368
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    To the reader. The former book intituled Magna Charta did conteine diuers old statutes, lawes, and other things, although good, not verinecessarie to be had in one so portable a volume, and the same confusedly and not orderly digested, and in many places (for want of perfect copies) verie faultie.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52369
    Book Info
    To the right honorable Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of Englande: Richard Tottel wisheth health and long lyfe, with encrease of honour.
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  • 52370
    Book Info
    To the right honorable Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of Englande: Richard Tottel wisheth health and long lyfe, with encrease of honour.
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  • 52371
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    To the right honourable, the Commons of England assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of William Carr Gent.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52372
    Book Info
    To the right vertuous, and truely religious lady, the Lady Margaret Chiborne (late wife to that worthy, and worshipfull gentleman, Sir Charles Chiborne, serieant at the lawe, deceased) long life and good daies, with increase of grace here, and eternall glorie hereafter.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52373
    Book Info
    To the right vertuous, and truely religious lady, the Lady Margaret Chiborne (late wife to that worthy, and worshipfull gentleman, Sir Charles Chiborne, serieant at the lawe, deceased) long life and good daies, with increase of grace here, and eternall glorie hereafter.
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  • 52374
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    To the right worshipfull, Syr Thomas Mounson, Knight.
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  • 52375
    Book Info
    To the right worshipfull, Syr Thomas Mounson, Knight.
    Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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  • 52376
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    Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
    Eighteenth Century Collections Online: Part I
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  • 52377
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    Typed, Handwritten And Photocopied Notes And Documents Regarding The Creation Of A Book titled 'Ballet Alphabet for Beginners' or 'A Ballet ABC'
    Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection
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