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총 15,026건 중 14,581 - 14,600건 출력
  • 14581
    Book Info
    The use and explanation of panchronologia, or An instrumental kalendar of the sun, moon, and fixed stars, for any time past or to come Shewing the years of our Lord. The dominical or Sunday letters. The cycle of the sun. The epact. The prime, or golden number. The number of direction. The fixed and moveable feasts. Terms, and saints days, according
  • 14582
    Book Info
    The use of the universal ring-dial
  • 14583
    Book Info
    Union pursued, in a letter to Mr. Baxter, concerning his late book of national churches published for a fuller disquisition about this subject, by the sober and composed of all sides, in order to comprehension which hath been forming, and a larger constitution of the church to be formed, when that Day of Concord comes, which the gentle aspect of Heaven in God's appointment (and the King's) of so
  • 14584
    Book Info
    Unto his Grace their Majesties High Commissioner and the right honourable the Estates of Parliament information for Alexander Monro of Bear-Crofts.|Information for Alexander Monro of Bear-Crofts
  • 14585
    Book Info
    Ut fluctus fluctum, sic annus annum trudit News from the starts an almanack containing an account of the coelestial motions, aspects, &c. For the year of the Christian empire, 1691 and [brace] of the world, 5640. Since the floud, 3984. Suffering of Christ 1658, Planting Massach. colony, Founding of Harvard Coledge 49, From leap-year, 3 ... reipecti
  • 14586
    Book Info
    Utrum horum, or, God's ways of disposing of kingdoms and some clergy-men's ways of disposing of them.
  • 14587
    Book Info
    Utrum horum, or, God's ways of disposing of kingdoms and some clergy-men's ways of disposing of them.
  • 14588
    Book Info
    The Unconstant shepherd: or, The forsaken lass's lamentation. To an excellent new tune.|Forsaken lass's lamentation
  • 14589
    Book Info
    The unconscionable gallant: or, The beautiful lady's misfortune. To the tune of, Fond boy, &c. Licensed according to order.
  • 14590
    Book Info
    The unfortunate fencer; or, The couragious farmer of Gloucester-shire. Shewing how this huffing spark went down into those parts, challenging any one at all sorts of weapons; and at length shamefully conquer'd by a country farmer. To the tune of, The spinning wheel. Licensed according to order.
  • 14591
    Book Info
    The unkind Parents: or The languishing lamentation of two loyal lovers. To an excellent new tune. Licensed according to order.
  • 14592
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    The unprejudic'd laymen's free thoughts on the subject the Convocation are upon. Licensed March 15. 1689.
  • 14593
    Book Info
    Unto His Grace, His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable the Estates of Parliament. The petition of Alexander Hamiltoun of Kinkel.|Petition of Alexander Hamiltoun of Kinkel
  • 14594
    Book Info
    Unto his Grace his Majesties High Commissioner, and the honourable Estates of Parliament, the petition of Lauchlin M'Intosh of Tor Castle.
  • 14595
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    Unto the right honourable, the Lords and other Commissioners for plantation of kirks and valuation of teinds, the petition of the Earl of Drumfreis, Lord Crichton, and his tutrix.
  • 14596
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    Upon His Majesties going for Ireland
  • 14597
    Book Info
    Upon reading of the Paper Bill (as is humbly conceived) it will appear tht the grant which the new company would have confirmed, tends to a monopoly
  • 14598
    Book Info
    The Unfortunate favourite, or, Memoirs on the life and actions of the late Lord Chancellour of England from his cradle to his grave. With what remarkably happen'd in his proceedings. : Together with a discourse by way of funeral sermon, on the fall of ambition.|Memoirs on the life and actions of the late Lord Chancellour of England
  • 14599
    Book Info
    The ungrateful rebel; or, Gracious clemency rewarded with villany. Tune of, The turn-coat of the times.
  • 14600
    Book Info
    The ungrateful rebel; or, Gracious clemency rewarded with villany. Tune of, The turn-coat of the times.