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총 2,732건 중 2,481 - 2,500건 출력
  • 2481
    Book Info
    The young-mans complaint, or, An answer to the damosels tragedy. When friends deny, and won't comply, but let them suffer smart, we often see such cruelty, will break a lovers heart. To the tune of, Charon, &c. This may be printed, R.P.
  • 2482
    Book Info
    The young-mans repentance, or, The sorrowful sinners lamentation; being the last expressions of a young-man, who having spent all his time in pleasure and jollitry, was seriously sorrowful when he came to lye upon his death-bed, mourning for his mis-spent time, and advising all young-men to be mindful of their latter end. Tune is, Aim not too high.
  • 2483
    Book Info
    You'l never get her up, or, Love in a tree. Being a pleasant new song, shewing how a maid was got with child, without lying with a man. To the tune of Buggering oats prepare thy neck.
  • 2484
    Book Info
    Yr ymarfer o dduioldeb yn cyfarwyddo dyn i rodio fel y rhyngo ef fodd Duw : yr hwn lyfr a ofodwyd allan yn sæsnæg o waith y gwir barchedig dâd yn nuw Lewis Escob Bangor, ac a gyfithwyd yn gymeraeg o waith Row. Vaughan o Gaergai yn Sir Feirionedd, wr-bonneddig, yn y flwyddyn o oed Jesu 1620.|Practice of piety.
  • 2485
    Book Info
    The Yorkshire-rogue, or, Capt. Hind improv'd; in the notorious life, and infamous death, of that famous highway man, William Nevison, who was executed at York, the 15th day of March. 1684. Together, with a short account of several great robberies committed by Edward Bracy his comrade, another notorious highway-man in Nottinghamshire, who, as the co
  • 2486
    Book Info
    The young-mans a.b.c. Or, Two douzen of verses which a young-man sent to his love, who proved unkind; wrote in the manner of an alphabet. The tune is, Aim not too high.|Two douzen of verses which a young-man sent to his love
  • 2487
    Book Info
    The young-mans conquest over the powers of darkness In a dialogue, between a virtuous young-man, and the subtile insinuating tempter; discovering the baits of Satan, and the strength of temptation: with the Christians fortitude, and only means of overcoming, which is by faith in Christ, and unwearied perseverance. Necessary to be set up in all hous
  • 2488
    Book Info
    The young-mans conquest over the powers of darkness. In a dialogue, between a virtuous young-man, and the subtile insinuating tempter; discovering the baits of Satan, and the strength of temptation: with the Christians fortitude, and only means of overcoming, which is by faith in Christ, and unwearied perseverance. Eph. 6. chap. 11. Put on the whol
  • 2489
    Book Info
    The young-mans unfortunate destiny. It being the true lovers lamentable overthrow. When they devise to tyranize, it often proveth true, that in this snare they do impai[l] both life and fortune too. To the tune of, The doubting virgin.
  • 2490
    Book Info
    You are desired to accompany the corps of Mrs. Anne Savage, from the house where she lately dwelt, at the upper end of Bridgestreet, to St. Audoens Church, on Thursday the 25th of this instant January at six a clock in the evening.
  • 2491
    Book Info
    You are desired to accompany the corps, of Mrs. Agnis Pope from the house of her mother in St. Bride-Street to St. Brides Church, upon Sunday the ninth of this instant March, 1683 at four of the clock in the afternoon.
  • 2492
    Book Info
    A York-shire dialogue, in its pure natural dialect as it is now commonly spoken in the north parts of York-shire : being a miscellaneous discourse, or hotchpotch of several country affairs, begun by a daughter and her mother, and continued by the father, son, uncle, neese, and land-lord ...
  • 2493
    Book Info
    The young cooks monitor: or, Directions for cookery and distilling. Being a choice compendium of excellent receipts. Made publick for the use and benefit of my schollars. / By M.H.|Directions for cookery and distilling
  • 2494
    Book Info
    The young king, or, The mistake as 'tis acted at His Royal Highness, the Dukes Theatre / written by A. Behn.|Cléopatre.|Vida es sueño.
  • 2495
    Book Info
    You are desired to accompany the corps of Mrs. Williamson from her house in Channel Row to St. Audoens Church on Tuesday the four and twentieth of July 1683 at three of the clock in the [a]fternoon.
  • 2496
    Book Info
    The young clerk's tutor enlarged being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin ... the several sums of money, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations : together with direct
  • 2497
    Book Info
    The young clerks guide in four parts, or, An exact collection of choice English presidents according to the best forms now used for all sorts of indentures, letters of attorney, releases, conditions &c. very usefull for all, but chiefly for those that intend to follow the attorneys practice / compiled by Sir R.H., counsellour, and revised by an able practioner.|Exact collection of choice English
  • 2498
    Book Info
    The young-man's warning-piece: or, the extravagant youths pilgrimage and progress in this vvorld. Being a faithful relation of the remarkable life of J. Bradwill, son of W. Bradwill, merchant of the city. Giving an account of his many adventures during the first and wicked part of his life, (which may serve as a caution to youth, which is too prone
  • 2499
    Book Info
    Y catechism a osodwyd allan yn llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin, wedi i egluro yn gryno drwy nodau Byrrion a sylfaenwyd ar yr yscrythyr lan
  • 2500
    Book Info
    Young Jemmy an excellent new ballad to an excellent new tune.