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총 1,848건 중 1,821 - 1,840건 출력
  • 1821
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    Zeale for Gods house quickned: or, A sermon preached before the assembly of Lords, Commons, and Divines, at their solemn fast Iuly 7. 1643. In the Abbey Church at Westminster. Expressing the eminencie of zeale requisite in church reformers: / by Oliver Bowles, Pator of Sutton in Bedfordshire. Published by order of both Houses of Parliament.
  • 1822
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    Zealous beleevers are the best subjects to Caeser or An exhortation to all good Christians to pray for their princes : there being nothing wherein they can better shew their allegiance. Published invindication [sic] of the saints against the false imputations of such as count it rebellion to be religious. / by I.F.
  • 1823
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    Zions deliverance and her friends duty, or, The grounds of expecting, and meanes of procuring Jerusalems restauration in a sermon preached at a publicke fast, before the Honourable House of Commons / by William Sedgwicke ...
  • 1824
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    Zions ioy in her King, comming in his glory. Wherein, the estate of the poore distressed Church of the Gentiles (travailing in the wildernesse towards the new Jerusalem of the Jewes) in her utmost extremities, and height of her joyes, is lively delineated; in some mediations upon that propheticall Psalme 102. wherein the sense is opened, and many d
  • 1825
    Book Info
    Zions ioy in her King, comming in his glory. Wherein, the estate of the poore distressed Church of the Gentiles (travailing in the wildernesse towards the new Jerusalem of the Jewes) in her utmost extremities, and height of her joyes, is lively delineated; in some mediations upon that propheticall Psalme 102. wherein the sense is opened, and many difficult places of Scripture inlightned by a harm
  • 1826
    Book Info
    Zions ioy in her king comming in his glory wherein the estate of the poore distressed church of the gentiles, travailing in the wildernesse towards the new Jerusalem of the Jewes, in her utmost extremities and height of her joyes is lively delineated : in some mediations upon the propheticall Psalme 102 : wherein the sense is opened and many difficult places of Scripture inlighted by a harmony an
  • 1827
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    A zealous sermon preached at Amsterdam by a Jew whose name is Not-Rvb it being a Hebrew word : you must read his name backward... : text hee that hath eares to heare let him heare / by Iohn Austin.
  • 1828
    Book Info
    A zealous sermon, preached at Amsterdam, by a Jew whose name is Not-Rub, it being a Hebrew word, you must read his name backward. By Iohn Austin. ... Text, Hee that hath Eares to heare, let him heare.
  • 1829
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    The zealous magistrate set forth in a sermon, preached in Exeter, before the Right Honourable Sir Robert Foster His Majesties justice of assize for the western circuit / by Thomas Trescot ...
  • 1830
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    Zerubbabels encouragement to finish the temple a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Apr. 27, 1642 / by Tho. Goodwin ...
  • 1831
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    Zerubbabels encouragement to finish the temple. A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Apr. 27. 1642. By Tho. Goodwin, B.D. Published by order from that House.
  • 1832
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    Zervbbabels encovragement to finish the temple a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Apr. 27, 1642 / by Tho. Goodwin ...
  • 1833
    Book Info
    Zions deliverance and her friends duty: or The grounds of expecting, and meanes of procuring Jerusalems restauration. In a sermon preached at a publicke fast, before the Honourable House of Commons. By William Sedgvvicke, minister of Farnham in Essex.
  • 1834
    Book Info
    Zions deliverance and her friends dvty, or, The grounds of expecting, and meanes of procuring Jerusalems restauration in a sermon preached at a pvblicke fast, before the honourable House of Commons / by William Sedgvvicke ...
  • 1835
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    Zions rights and Babels ruine; or, The Church restored to her primitive lustre. A treatise concerning the essence and subsistence of the Christian church defecated, and purged from the dregges of erroneous humane invention, and erected by the vnerrable patterne of the Word of God. By William Fenwick.
  • 1836
    Book Info
    Zions rjghts and babels rvine, or, The Church restored to her primitive lustre a treatise concerning the essence and subsistence of the christian church defecated and purged from the dregges of erroneous humane invention and erected by the vnerrable patterne of the Word of God / by William Fenwick.
  • 1837
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    Zacheus conuerted: or, The rich publicans [brace] repentance. Restitution. In which, the mysteries of the doctrine of conversion, are sweetly laid open and applyed for the establishing of the weakest. Also of riches in their getting, keeping, expending; with diuers things abou[t] almes and restitution, and many other materiall points [an]d cases insisted [upon]. / By Iohn Wilson, late preacher o
  • 1838
    Book Info
    Zacheus converted: or The rich publicans repentance. Restitution In which, the mysteries of the doctrine of conversion, are sweetly laid open and applyed for the establishing of the weakest. Also of riches in their getting, keeping, expending; with divers things about almes and restitution, and many other materiall points and cases insisted upon. B
  • 1839
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    A Zealous prayer to God, vsed and said euery day by the poore prisoners of the Marshalsey, for all their good benefactors
  • 1840
    Book Info
    The zeale and great affection, which we haue found in all sorts of people of this our kingdome towards our person, and that right which we had to the succession of this crowne, hath so many wayes bene expressed, ...