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  • 1841
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1842
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    The zodiake of life, written by the excellent and Christian poet, Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus. Wherein are conteined twelue seuerall labours, painting out most liuely, the whole compasse of the world, the reformation of manners, the miseries of mankinde, the pathway to vertue & vice, the externitie of the soule, the course of the heauens, the m
  • 1843
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    The zodiake of life, written by the excellent and Christian poet, Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus. Wherein are conteined twelue seuerall labours, painting out most liuely, the whole compasse of the world, the reformation of manners, the miseries of mankinde, the pathway to vertue & vice, the externitie of the soule, the course of the heauens, the m
  • 1844
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    Zelauto. The fountaine of fame Erected in an orcharde of amorous aduentures. Containing a delicate disputation, gallantly discoursed betweene to noble gentlemen of Italye. Giuen for a freendly entertainment to Euphues, at his late ariuall into England. By A.M. seruaunt to the Right Honourable the Earle of Oxenford. Honos alit artes.
  • 1845
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1846
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    The zodiake of life, written by the excellent and Christian poet, Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus. Wherein are conteined twelue seuerall labours, painting out moste liuely, the whole compasse of the world, the reformation of manners, the miseries of mankinde, the pathway to vertue and vice, the eternitie of the soule, the course of the heauens, the
  • 1847
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    The zodiake of life written by the godly and zealous poet Marcellus Pallingenius stellatus [sic], ; wherein are conteyned twelue bookes disclosing the haynous crymes [and] wicked vices of our corrupt nature: and plainlye declaring the pleasaunt and perfit pathway vnto eternall lyfe, besides a numbre of digressions both pleasaunt [and] profitable, ;
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 1848
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    The zodiake of life written by the godly and zealous poet Marcellus Pallingenius stellatus, wherein are conteyned twelue bookes disclosing the haynous crymes [and] wicked vices of our corrupt nature: and plainlye declaring the pleasaunt and perfit pathway vnto eternall lyfe, besides a numbre of digressions both pleasaunt [and] profitable, newly tra