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총 270건 중 261 - 270건 출력
  • 261
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    Always a Rebel: Ricardo Flores Magâon and the Mexican Revolution
    Albro, Ward S.
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  • 262
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    Allegories of Love: Cervantes's Persiles and Sigismunda
    Wilson, Diana de Armas
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  • 263
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    The Alphabet in the Park: Selected Poems
    Prado, Adélia
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  • 264
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    American Spanish pronunciation: theoretical and applied perspectives
    Bjarkman, Peter C. | Hammond, Robert M.
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  • 265
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    African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean
    Ben Vinson III | Herbert S. Klein
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  • 266
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    The Assassination of Gaitán: Public Life and Urban Violence in Colombia
    Braun, Herbert
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  • 267
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    Alejo Carpentier: The Pilgrim at Home
    González Echevarría, Roberto
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  • 268
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    Academias y Sociedades Literarias de México
    Sánchez, José M.
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  • 269
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    Araucanía-Norpatagonia: Discursos y representaciones de la materialidad
    Núñez, Paula Gabriela | Malvestitti, Marisa | Núñez, Andrés | Aliste, Enrique | Baeza, Brígida | Barelli, Ana Inés | Lago, Luciana | Bianchi Villelli, Marcia | Matossian, Brenda | Vejsberg, Laila | Benedetti, Alejandro | Laurín, Alicia | Azcoitía, Alfredo | Lema, Carolina | Sepúlveda, Bastien | Guyot, Sylvain | Peñaloza, Fernanda | Pàyas, Gertrudis Rut | Tamagnini, Marcela | Odone Correa, María Carolina | Nacach, Gabriela | Nicholls Lopeandía, Nancy | Néspolo, Eugenia Alicia | Nicoletti, María Andrea | Pérez, Alberto Aníbal
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  • 270
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    Araucania-Norpatagonia II: La fluidez, lo disruptivo y el sentido de la frontera
    Núñez, Paula Gabriela | Muñoz Sougarret, Jorge Ernesto | Escobar Sepúlveda, Darío | López, Silvana | Michel, Carolina | Almonacid Zapata, Fabián Patricio | Porcaro, Tania | Williams, Fernando | Mehdi, Gustavo | Núñez, Andrés
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