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총 59,641건 중 56,361 - 56,380건 출력
  • 56361
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    A declaration and votes of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning some scruple in their late ordinance for the assessing of persons according to their abilities and for the further enabling of the lord maior to put the same in execution : also another declaration of both Houses concerning diverse printed papers lately set forth by His Majestie in the forme of proclamations : whe
  • 56362
    Book Info
    A declaration and votes of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: concerning some scruple in their late ordinance, for the assessing of persons according to their abilities, and for the further enabling of the Lord Maior to put the same in execution. Also another declaration of both Houses, concerning diverse printed papers, lately set fort
  • 56363
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    A declaration by the Lords and Commons in Parliament declaring that none shall aprehend, or arest any of his maiesties subjects or servants that obeyeth the ordinance of Parliament, under pretence of his Maiesties warrant[.] Mercurii 12. July 1642
  • 56364
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    A declaration concerning the generall accompts of the kingdome with the true state of all receipts and disbursements of moneys both by land and sea for the use of the Common-wealth, since the first sitting of this Parliament unto the first of Iune, 1642.
  • 56365
    Book Info
    A declaration concerning the generall accompts of the kingdome. With the true state of all receipts and disbursements of moneys both by land and sea, for the use of the Common-wealth : since the first sitting of this Parliament unto the first of Iune, 1642. Published by order of the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament for the satis
  • 56366
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    A declaration from York by Sir Francis Wortley ... ; in vindication of himself from divers aspersions and rumours concerning the drawing of his sword, and other actions, wherein he desires to give the world satisfaction.
  • 56367
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    A declaration from York, by Sir Francis Wortley, Knight and Baronet. in vindication of himself from divers aspersions and rumours concerning the drawing of his sword, and other actions, wherein he desires to give the world satisfaction.
  • 56368
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    A declaration from both Houses of Parliament with the additional reasons last presented to His Majesty, Sabbathi 12 Martii, 1642 : whereunto is annexed, His Majesties speech to the committee the 9 of March, 1642, when they presented the declaration of both Houses of Parliament at Newmarket.
  • 56369
    Book Info
    A declaration from both Houses of Parliament with the additonall reasons last presented to His Majesty : whereunto is annexed His Maiesties speech to the committe the 9th of March 1641, when they presented the declaration of both Houses of Parliament at New-maket [sic].
  • 56370
    Book Info
    A declaration from both Houses of Parliament, May 17 with His Maiesties letter to the gentry of Yorkshire, May 16, 1642 : also divers principall matters of great note and high conseqvence : the I. concerning the messengers that were imployed to fetch up Sir Francis Wortley, and some other gentlemen of the county of Yorke, as delinquents : the second, concerning Mr. Attorney Generall who was relea
  • 56371
    Book Info
    A declaration from both Houses of Parliament, May 17. Hen. Elsing Cler. Parl. With His Majesties letter to the gentry of Yorkshire, May 16. 1642. Also divers principall matters of great note and high consequence. The I. Concerning the messengers that were imployed to fetch up Sir Francis Wortley, and some other gentlemen of the county of Yorke, as
  • 56372
    Book Info
    A declaration from both houses of Parliament, May 17. 1642. Hen. Elsynge, Cleric. Parl. D. Com. VVith many remarkeable passages, from both houses of Parliament, from the 12. of May till this present, concerning the great affaires of the whole kingdome. VVith many more passages of great consequence concerning Sir Edward Deering and divers other Kentish-men, and concerning a charge to be drawne up
  • 56373
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    A declaration made by the Earl of Nevv-Castle, Governour of the town and county of New-Castle and generall of all His Majesties forces raised in the northern parts of this kingdom for the defence of the same : for his resolution of marching into Yorkshire : as also, a just aspersion laid upon him for entertaining some popish recusants in his forces
  • 56374
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    A declaration made by the Earl of Nevv-Castle, Governour of the town and county of New-Castle: and generall of all His Majesties forces raised in the northern parts of this kingdom, for the defence of the same. For his resolution of marching into Yorkshire. As also, a just vindication of himself from that unjust aspersion laid upon him, for enterta
  • 56375
    Book Info
    A declaration made by the Earle of New-Castle, Governour of the town and county of New-Castle: and generall of all His Majesties forces raised in the northern parts of this kingdome, for the defence of the same. For his resolution of marching into Yorkshire : as also a just vindication of himself from that unjust aspersion laid upon him, for entertaining some popish recusants in his forces.
  • 56376
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    A declaration made by the Lord Marquesse of Hartford and other Lords and chiefe gentlemen of the county of Somerset shewing their intention of coming into the countie to be, onely, to settle peace and not to offer the least violence or disturbance to any His Majesties loyall subjects either in their persons or estates, contrary to what hath been fa
  • 56377
    Book Info
    A declaration made by the Lord Marquesse of Hartford, and other lords and chiefe gentlemen of the county of Somerset. Shewing their intention of comming into that countie, to be (onely) to settle peace, and not to offer the least violence or disturbance to any His Majesties loyall subjects, either in their persons or estates, (contrary to what hath
  • 56378
    Book Info
    A declaration made by the Right Honourable the Earle of Bath one of His Majesties commissioners of array to the whole country of Devonshire with their answer thereunto annexed also the manner how the said Earle of Bath endeavoured to put the commission of array in execution at Southmoulton in Devonshire and how his men were driven out of the town by the inhabitants thereof : whereunto is added a
  • 56379
    Book Info
    A declaration made by the right Honourable the Earle of Bath, one of his Majesties commissioners of array, to the whole country of Devonshire, with their answer thereunto annexed; also the manner how the said Earle of Bath endeavoured to put the commission of array in execution, at South-moulton in Devonshire, and how his men were driven out of the
  • 56380
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    A declaration of His Maiesties royall pleasure, expressed in certaine ordinances by him commanded to be put in practice, concerning the security of divers parts of this kingdome. Especially the city and county of Oxford, with the adjacent parts, from the violence of his souldiers.