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총 59,641건 중 56,381 - 56,400건 출력
  • 56381
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    A declaration of Sir Iohn Hothams proceedings at Hull. And how to prevent an army comming against the same, he hath drowned foure miles round about the towne. VVhereby he stands in opposition against all forces whatsoever, in defence of the same. As also a relation how the county of Lincolne hath sent in to their reliefe fifteene carts loaden with
  • 56382
    Book Info
    A declaration of all the passages at the taking of Portsmouth; shewing the reasons why it was surrendred [sic] up to the committee of both Houses of Parliament: together with a true copy of the articles agreed upon between the committee and Colonell Goring.
  • 56383
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    A declaration of both Houses of Parliament concerning the affairs of Ireland whereunto is added, 12 arguments to promote the work of subscription according to the propositions lately published for recovery of the kingdom of Ireland : for which an act of Parliament is expected.
  • 56384
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    A declaration of both Houses of Parliament in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia, May 5, 1642 also two orders concerning the militia, the one bearing date May 17, the other May 28, 1642.
  • 56385
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    A declaration of both Houses of Parliament in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia.
  • 56386
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    A declaration of both Houses of Parliament sent to the well-affected brethren of the kingdome of Scotland wherein is discovered the manifold dangers threatning the ruine of this kingdome and the kingdome of Scotland by the insurrection of many papists and others taking up of armes in the north : with their unfained counsell and desires unto the brethren of Scotland, to take up armes and to come i
  • 56387
    Book Info
    A declaration of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the affairs of Ireland. Whereunto is added, 12. arguments to promote the work of subscription, according to the propositions lately published, for recovery of the kingdom of Ireland; for which an act of Parliament is expected.
  • 56388
    Book Info
    A declaration of both Houses of Parliament, in answer to His Majesties last message, concerning the militia, published by command.
  • 56389
    Book Info
    A declaration of both Hovses of Parliament shevving the necessity of a present subscription of money and plate for further supply of the army : together, vvith divers orders of the committee of Lords and Commons for advance of money and other necessaries for the army, for the more effectuall and speedy promoting the said new subscription and the re
  • 56390
    Book Info
    A declaration of both houses of Parliament sent to the well-affected brethren of the kingdome of Scotland. Wherein is discovered the manifold dangers, threatning the ruine of his kingdome and the kingdome of Scotland, by the insurrection of many papists and others taking up of armes in the north. With their unfained counsell and desires unto the br
  • 56391
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament concerning false rumours and reports, which an ill-affected party hath raised amongst divers of the inhabitants of Westmerland, Cumberland, Bishoprick of Durham, Newcastle, and Northumberland, against the Parliament, in perswading them, that the Parliament intendeth to take away the tenants right
  • 56392
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament for bringing to condigne punishment those that have raised false and scandalous rumors against the House how that they intend to assesse every mans pewter and lay exciz[e]s upon other commodities : as also further directions to His Excellence the Earle of Essex generall of the army and to the committee for his assistance in the army appointed b
  • 56393
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament. For bringing to condigne punishment, those that have raised false and scandalous rumors against the House, how that they intend to assesse every mans pewter, and lay exciz[e]s upon other commodities. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this be forth-with printed and published. H. Elsynge,
  • 56394
    Book Info
    A declaration of the House of Commons in vindication of divers members of their house, from a false, and scandalous pamphlet, intituled, The humble petition of Captain William Booth of Killingholm, in the county of Lincoln. Which, together with an affidavit annexed, was delivered to His Majestie at York. Iulii 21. 1642. Ordered by the Commons in Pa
  • 56395
    Book Info
    A declaration of the House of Commons touching the breach of their priviledges, and for the vindication thereof, and of divers members of the said house &c. Wherein is likewise contayned, first, a remonstrance of the present state of divers things in, and about, the City of London, Westminster and Parliament-house, ... : 2. The examination of His M
  • 56396
    Book Info
    A declaration of the House of Commons, touching a late breach of their priviledges; and for the vindication thereof, and of divers members of the said house.
  • 56397
    Book Info
    A declaration of the House of Commons, touching a late breach of their priviledges; and for the vindication thereof, and of divers members of the said house.
  • 56398
    Book Info
    A declaration of the House of Commons, touching a late breach of their priviledges; and for the vindication thereof, and of divers members of the said house.
  • 56399
    Book Info
    A declaration of the House of Commons, touching the late breach of their priviledges; and for the vindication thereof, and of divers members of the said House..
  • 56400
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Hovse of Commons in vindication of divers members of their house from a false and scandalous pamphlet intituled, The humble petition of Captian William Booth of Killingholm, in the county of Lincoln : which, together with an affidavit annexed, was delivered to His Majestie at York.