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총 59,641건 중 56,401 - 56,420건 출력
  • 56401
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    A declaration of the Kings most excellent majesties proceeding with his army at Oxford and elsewhere as it was related by a Student from thence.
  • 56402
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    A declaration of the Lords & Commons in Parliament concerning a printed paper intitled A letter sent from the Kings Majesty to the lords of the Privy Counsell of the kingdome of Scotland : as also, another paper in forme of a petition directed to the lords of His Majesty [sic] Privy Counsell.
  • 56403
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Paliament [sic] for the raising of forces, both horse and foot in severall parts of this kingdom, to resist, suppresse, subdue, and pursue : kill and slay and to put to execution : and by all means to destory such papists, and ill affected persons who have traiterously combined together and entred
  • 56404
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Paliament [sic], for the raising of forces, both horse and foot in severall parts of this kingdom, to resist, suppresse, subdue, and pursue; kill and slay, and to put to execution; and by all means to destory such papists, and ill affected persons who have traiterously combined together, and entre
  • 56405
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parlament [sic] whereby the good subjects of this kingdome may better discerne their owne danger and be stirred up with more earnestnesse to assist the Parliament in the maintenance of religion the common justice and liberty of the kindgome which seemes to be in no lesse hazard then if we had an army of Irish rebels in the bowels of the land : a
  • 56406
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parlament [sic] whereby the good subjects of this kingdome may better discerne their owne danger,and be stirred up with more earnestnesse to assist the Parliament, in the maintenance of religion, the common justice and liberty of the kindgome, which seemes to be in no lesse hazard, then if we had
  • 56407
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Whereby the good subiects of this kingdome may better discerne their owne danger, and be stirred up with more earnestnesse to assist the Parliament in the maintenance of religion, the common iustice and liberty of the kindgome, which seemes to be in no lesse hazard, then if wee had an a
  • 56408
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Maiesties advancing of his army towards London ... also how Sir Iohn Hinderson urged one David Alexander, a Scotchman, to kill Sir John Hotham and blow up the Parliaments magazine ... : whereunto is added severall votes of the Lords and Commons ...
  • 56409
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Majesties advancing with his army toward London : with direction that all the trained bands and volunteers be put into a readinesse, that so the Kings army may find opposition in every place as they march : also how Sir Iohn Hinderson urged one David Alexander a Scotchman to kill Sir Iohn Hotham and blow up the Parliame
  • 56410
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning a late difference betweene some officers of the English and some of the Scottish nation, for the preservation of the peace and mutuall amity betweene both Kingdomes against the seditious speeches of some ill affected persons who seeke to raise it to a nationall quarrell : also an ordinance of both Houses, nominating and aut
  • 56411
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning an insolent letter sent to Mr. Clarke at Craughton neere Brackley in Northamptonshire : from Sir John Biron knight, since the inhabitants of that county apprehended divers rebels under his command : as he with them and many troops of horse in a warlike and trayterous manner marcht toward Oxford, to the great terror and affr
  • 56412
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning an insolent letter, sent to Mr. Clarke at Craughton neere Brackley in Northamptonshire from Sir Iohn Byron Knight, since the inhabitants of that county apprehended divers rebels under his command as hee with them and divers troops of horse in a trayterous and warlike manner marcht towards Oxford, to the great terror and aff
  • 56413
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning divers well-affected persons and citizens of the city of London, who are willing and ready to undertake and advance a considerable number of souldiers and them to arm, maintain, and pay for severall months ensuing, or during these times of danger, upon the publike faith.
  • 56414
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the abuses lately done by severall persons in the county of Essex
  • 56415
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the abuses lately done by severall persons in the county of Essex.
  • 56416
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the abuses lately done by severall persons in the county of Essex.
  • 56417
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the late treaty of peace in Cheshire : vvherein they renownce the said agreement as being very preiudiciall and dangerous to the whole kingdom that any one county shoud stand as newter and withdraw themselves from the assistance of the rest.
  • 56418
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the late valorous and acceptable service of His Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, to remaine upon record in both houses, for a marke of honour to his person, name and family and for a monument of his singular vertue to posterity : also an order to the Lord Maior that a searc
  • 56419
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the particular causes of this division betweene His Majestie and the Hovses of Parliament : whrerunto is annexed the severall votes of both hovses at which His Majesty takes
  • 56420
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament declaring a full explanation of some particular passage in their late ordinance made this present December concerning the contribution and assessement moneys to be raised for the causes therein expressed.