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총 59,641건 중 56,421 - 56,440건 출력
  • 56421
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the appeasing and quietting of all unlawfull tumults and insurrections in the severall counties of England and dominion of Wales : also an ordinance of both Houses for the suppressing of stage-playes.
  • 56422
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the disarming of all popish recusants and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall commission of array : together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament that all persons whatsoever which shall assist His Majesty in this war with
  • 56423
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the disarming of all popish recusants, and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall Commission
  • 56424
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the disarming of all popish recusants, and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall commission of array. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration thus amended be forth-
  • 56425
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the incouragement of all such apprentices as have or shall voluntarily list themselves to go in this present expedition for the defence of religion the preservation of this city, the King and kingdome under the command of His Excellency the Earle of Warwick : also an order from both Houses that all colonels, captaines, with other
  • 56426
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the preservation and safety of the Kingdom and the town of Hull with the assurance of both Houses to satisfie all losse sustained by any service done for the safety of the said town, by reason of the overflowing of the water upon any the grounds there to all persons that shall be found faithfull in their severall services : togeth
  • 56427
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the prevention of a most horrid, wicked and unnaturall designe, pursued by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents, rebells and traytors, in a warlike manner in Cornewall, and Devon : whereby ruine and destruction is now threatened by the Welch, and others of that hellish & accursed crew to the county of Somerset, and the adjacent
  • 56428
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the protecting of all those that obey the orders and commands of Parliament also declaring all those to be enemies to the Commonwealth and disturbers of the peace of the Kingdom, who either seize, apprehend or detain in prison, or send out their warrants for the apprehending, or otherwise molesting any person or persons for obeyin
  • 56429
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel Rolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn, in the countie of Devon, who have lately beene proclaimed traytors by his Majestie.
  • 56430
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom : to lead against all traytors, and their adherents : and them to arrest and imprison, and to fight with, kill, and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in this service, by
  • 56431
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom to lead against all traitors and their adherents, and them to arrest and imprison ... all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in thi
  • 56432
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdome to lead against all traitors and their adherents, and them to arrest and imprison ... all such as shal oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in this service by either or both Houses of Parliament
  • 56433
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdome to lead them against all traitors and their adherents, and them to arrest, and imprison, and fight with, kill, slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in this serviceby eithe
  • 56434
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdome to leade against all traytors and their adherents and them to arrest and imprison ... all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in th
  • 56435
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power, and force as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdome, to lead against all traytors, and their adherents, and them to arrest and imprison, and to fight with, kill and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subje
  • 56436
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power, and force as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdome, to lead against all traytors, and their adherents, and them to arrest and imprison, and to fight with, kill and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in this service, by ei
  • 56437
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of forces both horse and foot in severall parts of this kingdom to resist, suppresse, subdue and pursue, kill and slay and to put to execution and by all means to destroy such papists and all affected persons who have traiterously combined together, and entred into assoc
  • 56438
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebells, traitors, and other ill-affected people, in pursuit of a wicked design to alter religion, being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same, and the city of London : also an ordinance of both
  • 56439
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebels, traytors, and other ill-affected people in pursuit of a wicked designe to alter religion being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same and o
  • 56440
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in answer to a petition presented to the said houses by the inhabitants of Devonshire and Cornwall, Octob. 22, 1642 : expressing their great miserie and calamitie which they have lately suffered by the insolencie and tyranny of the cavaleers : also the resolution of the said inhabitants to both themselves and the Parliament against th