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총 59,641건 중 56,461 - 56,480건 출력
  • 56461
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning the publishing of divers proclamations, and papers, in forms of proclamations in his Majesties name.
  • 56462
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the appeasing and quieting of all unlawfull tumults and insurrections in the severall counties of England and dominion of Wales. / Die Veneris 2 Septemb. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed, and afterwards published in all market-townes, parish-churches,
  • 56463
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the appeasing and quietting of all unlawfull tumults and insurrections in the severall counties of England, and dominion of Wales. Die Veneris, Septemb. 2. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed, and afterwar
  • 56464
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the disarming of all popish recusants, and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall Commission of array. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration thus amended be forth
  • 56465
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the incouragement of all such apprentices as have or shall voluntarily list themselves to go in this present expedition, for the defence of religion, the preservation of this city, the king and kingdome, under the command of his Excellency the Earle of Warwick. Also an order from b
  • 56466
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the preservation and safety of the Kingdom, and the town of Hull with the assurance of both Houses to satisfie all losse sustained by any service done for the safety of the said town, by reason of the overflowing of the water upon any the grounds there, to all persons that shall be
  • 56467
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of all power, and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom, to lead against all traytors, and their adherents, and them to arrest and imprison, and to fight with, kill, and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving sub
  • 56468
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of forces both horse and foot in severall parts of this kingdom to resist, suppresse, subdue and pursue, kill and slay, and to put to execution, and by all means to destroy such papists and ill-affected persons, who have traiterously combined together, and entred into a
  • 56469
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebels, traytors, and other il-affected people, in pursuit of a wicked designe to alter religion, being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same, an
  • 56470
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, sent to the generall assembly of the Church of Scotland : with their answer thereunto, expressing their care to prevent the effusion of Christian blood, and their affections to reformation ; also, a letter sent by some brethren of the ministers of the Church of England to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, with their an
  • 56471
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, setting forth the grounds and reasons, that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive arms for the preservation of His Majesties person, the maintenance of the true religion, the laws and liberties of this kingdom, and the power and priviledge of Parliament. Ordered by the Com
  • 56472
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that whatsoever souldier or souldiers shall breake open, pillage, or ransacke any mans house, under colour that they are papists, or persons dis-affected (without command of their captaine) shall be pursued and punished according to the law as felons. Also a speciall order of both Hous
  • 56473
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, with additions to a former declaration, dated. Iuly 12. 1642. For the protecting of those who are imployed by the authority of both or either house of Parliament, in the execution of the ordinance for the militia: or in advancing the propositions for raising of horse, monyes, or plate according to the instructions of both houses of P
  • 56474
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, with their resolution that if Captaine Clifton, Capt. Catesby, Capt. Lilborne, Capt. Vivers, or any others, which are or shall be taken prisoners, by his Majesties army, shall be put to death, or any other hurt or violence offered to their persons, for their faithful endeavours in the Parliament's service, The like punishment shall b
  • 56475
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, with their resolution that if Captaine Clifton, Capt. Catesby, Capt. Lilborne, Capt. Vivers, or any others, which are or shall be taken prisoners, by his Majesties army, shall be put to death, or any other hurt or violence offered to their persons, for their faithful endeavours in the Parliament's service, The like punishment shall b
  • 56476
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Concerning divers well-affected persons and citizens of the City of London, who are willing and ready to undertake and advance a considerable number of souldiers, and them to arm, maintain, and pay for severall months ensuing, or during these times of danger, upon the publike faith. Or
  • 56477
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Concerning his Maiesties advancing of his Army towards London, with directions that all the trained bands and voluntiers bee put into a readinesse, that so the Kings army may find opposition in every place as they march. : Also how Sir Iohn Hinderson urged one David Alexander, a Scotchman, to kill Sir John Hotham, and blow up the Par
  • 56478
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Concerning the late valorous and acceptable service of his Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, to remaine upon record in both Houses, for a marke of honour to his person, name and family, and for a monument of his singular vertue to posterity. Also an order to the Lord Maior, that a sea
  • 56479
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Concerning the particular causes of this division betweene His Majestie and the Houses of Parliament. Whereunto is annexed the severall votes of both Houses at which His Majesty takes exceptions. Also severall propositions propounded to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, &c. Wherein is
  • 56480
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the raising of all power, and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom. To lead against all traytors and their adherents, and them to arrest, and imprison, and to fight with kill and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subje