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총 59,641건 중 56,481 - 56,500건 출력
  • 56481
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the raising of all power, and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom. To lead against all traytors and their adherents, and them to arrest, and imprison, and to fight with kill and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects, that shall be imployed in this service, by e
  • 56482
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebels, traytors, and other ill-affected people, in pursuit of a wicked design to alter religion, being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same, and of the city of London. : Also an ordinance of b
  • 56483
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. In answer to His Majesties declaration, intituled His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, after his late victory against the rebels, on Sunday the 23 of October, 1642. Together, with a catalogue of the names of divers of the colonels, lievtenant-colonells, serjeant majors
  • 56484
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Setting forth the innumerable plots & stratagems which the malignant party of this kingdome have lately used to break the brotherly bond of peace between England and Scotland, to ruinate and destroy the very being of Parliaments, and to subvert both the religion and known law of the tw
  • 56485
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Whereas the King, seduced by wicked counsell, doth make war against his Parliament and people; ...
  • 56486
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the prevention of a most horrid, wicked and unnaturall designe, pursued by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents, rebells and traytors, in a warlike manner in Cornewall, and Devon, whereby ruine and destruction is now threatened by the Welch, and others of that hellish & accursed crew
  • 56487
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: in answer to a petition presented to the said houses, by the inhabitants of Devonshire and Cornwall, Octob. 22. 1642. Expressing their great miserie and calamitie which they have lately suffered by the insolencie and tyranny of the cavaleers. Also the resolution of the said inhabitants
  • 56488
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning the preservation of Hull with severall votes agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, for the raising of 10000 men to be imployed by the authority of the Parliament. Also, a declaration of the citizens and inhabitants of the city of Chester, to his Maiesties commissioners of array, for the cleare m
  • 56489
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning the preservation of Hull: with severall votes agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, for the raising of 10000 men to be imployed by the authority of the Parliament. Also, a declaration of the citizens and inhabitants of the city of Chester, to his Maiesties Commissioners of Array, for the cleare
  • 56490
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled concerning His Majesties proclamation given at his court at York, May 27th, 1642 with the statute of the 7 of Edward the First.
  • 56491
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled willing that no messenger or officer ... shall arrest, take, or carry away any of His Majesties subjects against their wils ... as also the vindication of both houses of Parliament of the Earle of Stamford, and others, from His Maiesties imputation of treason : with certain instructions from His Majesty to all the judges of the Kingdo
  • 56492
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning His Maiesties late proclamation : also the declaration of 7 Edw. I which His Maiestie quotes in his proclamation : also that the Parliament hath proved the said proclamation to be void in law, and of none effect.
  • 56493
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning His Maiesties proclamation and the declaration of the county of Essex to the Earl of Warwick lo. lieutenant of that county : with the approbation of both Houses of Parliament : concerning the declaration of the county of Essex.
  • 56494
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning His Majesties proclamation of May 27, 1642 : with the statute of the 7. Edw. I.
  • 56495
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning His Majesties proclamation, given at his court at York the 27 of May, 1642 with the statute of the 7 Edw. I.
  • 56496
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning an illegall writ sent to the High Sheriff of Essex by His Majesty, for the publishing of his late proclamation to forbid all his loving subjects to raise, march, muster or excercise by vertue of any order or ordinance of both Houses of Parliament
  • 56497
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament concerning the regulating of great inconveniences in His Excellencies army : also an order that all such foot-souldiers as have been constant in this service shall upon proclamation repair to their colours at the time appointed or within an hour after shall have half a crown and the horse-souldiers five shillings a piece over and above their pa
  • 56498
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament directed to the high-sheriffe of the county of Essex, and all other sheriffs in generall within the Kingdom of England and dominion of Wales : concerning His Majesties proclamation about the militia.
  • 56499
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    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament in answer to a letter sent from His Majestie to the lord mayor, aldermen and sheriffs of the citie of London.
  • 56500
    Book Info
    A declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament with the additionall reasons last presented to His Maiestie : whereunto is annexed His Majesties speech to the committee the 9 of March, 1641, when they presented the declaration of both Houses of Parliament at New-Market.