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총 57,067건 중 56,581 - 56,600건 출력
  • 56581
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    A dialoge describing the originall ground of these Lutheran faccions, and many of their abuses, compyled by syr William Barlow chanon, late byshop of Bathe
  • 56582
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    A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion, made by Syr Thomas More Knyght, and set foorth by the name of an Hu[n]garie[n], not before this time imprinted
  • 56583
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    De termino Michaelis. Anno. xviii. regni regis Henrici octaui
  • 56584
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    De termino Michaelis. Anno. xviii. regni regis Henrici octaui
  • 56585
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    De termino Michaelis. anno. xii. Henrici sexti
  • 56586
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    De termino Michaelis. anno. xii. Henrici sexti
  • 56587
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    De termino Michaelis. anno. xii. Henrici sexti
  • 56588
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    De termino Michaelis.anno.xx.Henrici sexti
  • 56589
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    De termino sancti Michaelis anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conq[uestu]m vicesimo septimo
  • 56590
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    De termino trinitatis an. xii. Hen. VIII
  • 56591
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    De termino trinitatis an. xii. Hen. VIII|Year books (Henry VIII : 1509-1547)
  • 56592
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    De vera obediencia an oration made in Latine by the ryghte reuerend father in God Stephan B. of VVinchestre, nowe lord Chau[n]cellour of england, with the pteface [sic] of Edmunde Boner ... touchinge true obedience. Printed at Hamburgh in Latine, in officina Fra[n]cisci Rhodi. mense Ia. M.D.xxxvi. And nowe translated into english and printed by Mic
  • 56593
    Book Info
    De vera obedientia An oration made in Latine by the ryghte reuerend father in God Stephan B. of VVinchestre, nowe lord Chau[n]cellour of england, with the preface of Edmunde Boner ... touching true obedience. Printed at Hamburgh in Latine, in officina Francisci Rhodi. Mense Ia. M.D.xxxvi. And nowe translated into english and printed by Michal wood:
  • 56594
    Book Info
    De vera obedientia An oration made in Latine by the ryghte reuerend father in God Stephan B. of VVinchestre, nowe lord Chau[n]cellour of england, with the preface of Edmunde Boner ... touching true obedience. Printed at Hamburgh in Latine, in officina Francisci Rhodi. Mense Ia. M.D.xxxvi. And nowe translated into english and printed by Michal wood: with the preface & conclusion of the traunslatou
  • 56595
    Book Info
    De vera obedientia An oration made in Latine, by the right Reuere[n]de father in God Stepha[n] bishop of Wi[n]chestre, now Lorde Chau[n]celour of Englande. With the preface of Edmonde Bonner ... touching true obedience, printed at Ha[m]burgh in Latine, in officina Fra[n]cisci Rhodi mense Ianuario, 1536. And now translated in to Englishe, and printe
  • 56596
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    Defensio verae et catholicae doctrinae de sacramento corporis & sanguinis Christi seruatoris nostri et quorundam in hac causa errorum confutatio, uerbo sanctissimo Domini nixa atq[ue] fundata, & consensu antiquissimorum Ecclesiae scriptorum firmata, à reuerendiss. in Christo patre ac domino D. Thoma Cranmero ... scripta.
  • 56597
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    Diacosio-martyrion. id est ducentorum virorum testimonium, de veritate corporis, et sanguinis Christi, in eucharistia, ante triennium aduersus Petrum martyrem, ex professo conscriptum. Sed nunc primum in lucem aeditum. Ioanne Whito Anglo Colloegij Wicamensis apud inclytam Wintoniam praeside authore.
  • 56598
    Book Info
    Diacosio-martyrion. id est ducentorum virorum testimonium, de veritate corporis, et sanguinis Christi, in eucharistia, ante triennium, aduersus Petrum martyrem, ex professo conscriptum. Sed nunc primum in lucem aeditum. / Ioanne Whito Anglo Colloegij Wicamensis apud inclytam Wintoniam praeside authore.
  • 56599
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    The descripcion of the sphere or frame of the worlde
  • 56600
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    A decree betwene Churchyarde and Camell quod W. Jlderton.|Davy Dycars dreame.