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총 19,680건 중 15,961 - 15,980건 출력
  • 15961
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    [The B]ishopric garland: or, Durham Minstrel. Being a choice collection of excellent songs, relating to the above county. Full of agreeable variety, and pleasant mirth
  • 15962
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    [The Parliamentary register: or, history of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons of Ireland, The First Session of the Fourth Parliament in the Reign of his present Majesty; Which met the 14th of October, 1783, and ended the 14th of May, 1784. Vol. II. Printed for P. Byrne, No. 35, College-Green, and W. Porter, No. 12, Skinner-Row
  • 15963
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    Æes pembrochianæ: A new account and description of the statues, bustos, relievos, paintings, medals, and other antiquities and curiosities in Wilton-House. In which the ancient poets and artists are made mutually to explain and illustrate each other. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the origin, progress and decay of sculpture among the Greeks and Romans. With a complete index; by which any
  • 15964
    Book Info
    Æsopi Phrygis fabulæ, nunc demùm ex collatione optimorum exemplarium ab infinitis penè mendis repurgatæ: unà cum nonnullis variorum auctorum fabulis adjectis. Et indice correctiori præfixo
  • 15965
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    Émilie Corbett; ou les malheurs d'une guerre civile: roman politique, à l'occasion de la dernière guerre entre L'Angleterre et ses colonies; traduit de L'Anglois sur la quatrième edition. Premiere partie
  • 15966
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    [A] sermon, preached at Horslydown, Southwark, London. The nineteenth of the eleventh month, 1769. By Samuel Fothergill. Taken down in characters
  • 15967
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    [As you like it. a] comedy, by Shakespeare; as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, with permission of the managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter
  • 15968
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    [Let]ters to the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke
  • 15969
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    [Peace and harmony restored] being an account of the agreement which took place amongst the burgher and antiburgher seceders, and Reformed Presbytery in North America, in summer 1782; With a copy of the proposals, according to which the Associate Reformed Synod of North America was erected;-and an act of that synod for a fast
  • 15970
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    [The] circular letter from the elders, ministers and messengers of the Baptist churches assembled at Weavelsfield, in Sussex, the 3d and 4th of June, 1783: ...
    Baptist Church
  • 15971
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    [A faithful picture of the times.] Being a fast sermon for the year 1782. Addressed to the king, nobility, clergy, and laity, of this profligate and perishing kingdom. By a believer of the exploded and almost antiquated doctrines of Christianity
  • 15972
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    [A] Garland, containing three new songs. 1. A new song, in praise of Admiral Rodney's late victory. 2. The valiant maiden. 3. The farmer's lamentation
  • 15973
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    [Lucubrations] during a short recess. By - -, Esq; member of Parliament for the County of -[.]
  • 15974
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    [The] practice of painting made easy: In which is contained, the art of painting oil, with the method of colouring, under the heads of first painting, or dead-colouring;-second painting;-third or last painting;-painting back-grounds;-on copying;-drapery, and landscape painting. By T. Bardwell, painter
  • 15975
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    [Votes and proceedings of the Senate of the state of New-York, beginning with the fifth session, ... the first day of October, 1781. Vol.II. ... ]
    New York (State)
  • 15976
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    [An] exposition of English insects, with curious observations and remarks, wherein each insect is particularly described; its parts and properties considered; the different sexes distinguished, and the natural history faithfully related. The whole illustrated with copper plates, drawn, engraved, and coloured by the author, Moses Harris
  • 15977
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    [Ne]w edition, corrected to the 8th of February, of the [r]oyal kalendar; Or, Complete and correct annual register for ...land, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for the year 1781; ...ing a compleat and correct list of the 15th Parliament ... Great Britain, summoned to meet for their first ...ssion of the 31st of October 1780. ... new and more ...tensive plan than any hitherto offered to the public:
  • 15978
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    [Premiums], offered by the Society of Agriculture, at Manchester, for the year 1782
  • 15979
    Book Info
    [The boke of common prayer, and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande. ...]|Book of common prayer.|Booke of com: prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies in of the Church|Forme and maner of makyng, and consecratyng bishoppes, priestes, and deacons.
  • 15980
    Book Info
    [Three excellent new] Songs, entitled: The cries of the poor against the oppression of the rich. Donald's lamentation for his whisky pot. Think na' lang lassie