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총 19,680건 중 16,061 - 16,080건 출력
  • 16061
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    Éloge du Prince Henri par S.M. le Roi de Prusse, et lu par son ordre dans une assemblèe extraordinaire de L'Academie des Sciences de Berlin
  • 16062
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    - for ever! A poem
  • 16063
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    [A brief catalogue] of the size and price of nursery forest-trees, fruit-trees, and flowering shrubs, sold by William Perfect, nurseryman and seedsman, in Pontefract, 1768
  • 16064
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    [A] covenant of duties, nowise inconsistent with a covenant of grace. Being the substance of some sermons preached in the year 1728. From Jeremiah I. 4, 5. Connected with 2Samuel xxiii. 5. By the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Mai[r], minister of the Gospel at Oswals
  • 16065
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    [A] grammar of the French tongue, grounded on the decisions of the French Academy, wherein all the necessary rules, observations, and examples, are exhibited in a manner intirely new. For the use of schools. By John Perrin
    Perrin, Jean Baptiste
  • 16066
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    [An] accurate description and history of the cathedral and metropolitical Church of St. Peter, York, from it's first foundation to the present year. Illustrated with copper-plates, consisting of different views, plans, &c. and translations of all the Latin epitaphs. To which are added, catalogues of the archbishops, deans, sub-deans, chancellors, treasurers, precentors, and succentors
  • 16067
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    [Euphrasy. Or political eyebright written in the year 1768, in consequence of a contested election for members to serve in Parliament for the borough of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk. When the laudable and truly patriotic principles of true blue were forced to give wa to bribery and corruption, ministerial influence, and Presbyterian faction, with every other undue and unconstitutional measure.
  • 16068
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    [Jerusalem's captivities lamented], or, A plain description of Jerusalem, from Joshua's time to the year of Christ 517, both by Scripture and ancient history. First, the antiquity of the city, with the number of the inhabitants that lived therein, with the depth and breadth of their trenches, the height of the walls, and the number of the towers that stood thereon. As also the greatness of the tem
  • 16069
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    [S]easonable advice to the electors of members of Parlement at the ensuing general election. Addressed to the free and independent electors of the kingdom of Ireland in general, to those of the city of Dublin in particular. Part I. By Charles Lucas, M.D.
  • 16070
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    [The] New foundling hospital for wit. Being a collection of curious pieces in verse and prose. By several eminent persons. Part the second
  • 16071
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    [.... on the much lamented death of His] Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, Vice Admiral of the Blue Squadron, ... who died on Thursday, September 17, 1767. in the 29th year of his age
  • 16072
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    [A] dissertation on the properties and efficacy of the Lisbon diet-drink : in the cure of the venereal disease, the scurvy, and other Disorders; together with reflections on the use and abuse of mercury, and the Manner of its Action on the Solids and Fluids. To which is added, A Succinct Account of such remarkable Cases, as have been successfully treated by a Course of the Diet-Drink. By John L...
    Leake, John
  • 16073
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    [A] short and plain catechism. Being an explication of the creed, the ten commandments, and the Lord's prayer. By way of question and answer. By Samuel Chandler. D.D.
  • 16074
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    [The book of Common-Prayer]
  • 16075
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    [The] priest in rhime; an epistle to the Rev. and learned Mr. Br-w-r. Concerning the presentation of Mr. H-s to the living of Al-nk-le, in Northamptonshire, &c. &c.
  • 16076
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    Ædes Walpolianæ: or, a description of the collection of pictures at Houghton-Hall in Norfolk, the seat of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford
    Walpole, Horace
  • 16077
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    [Addenda to the historical preface to 'Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carleton, Knt. ... ' London, 1757.]
    Hardwicke, Philip Yorke
  • 16078
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    [The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. ... ]
    Hume, David
  • 16079
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    [A] catalogue [of the] entire l[ibrar]ies of the following gentle[men], lately deceased, Edward Smith, Esq. of Edmonthorpe, ... Henry Bromfield, ... and the Revererd and learned Phocion Henley, ... The books will be sold ... on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1765, ... by John Whiston an Benj. White, ...
    John Whiston | Benjamin White (Booksellers : London, England)
  • 16080
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    [Brief] observations and calculations on the present high prices of provisions. Most humbly submitted to the consideration of the Parliament and people of Great Britain, by J. Massie