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총 19,680건 중 16,121 - 16,140건 출력
  • 16121
    Book Info
    [The cert]ainty of a future state asserted and vindicated against the exceptions of the Late Lord Bolingbroke: In a sermon preached at Mary's in Oxford, at the assizes, held there by the Honourable Mr. Justice Birch, and Mr. Baron Adams, on Thursday, March 6. 1755. Thomas Randolph, D.D. president of C.C.C. Oxford. Published at the request of the vice-chancellor, and heads of houses
  • 16122
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    [The] antiquity and holiness of places set apart for publick worship. A sermon preached at the consecration of the St. George's Chapel, in the Parish of Portsea, near Portsmouth, in the county of Southampton, on Tuesday, Sept. 17. 1754. By Philip Barton, LL.D. vicar of Portsea; and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty
  • 16123
    Book Info
    [The statute-law] of Ireland common placed. Or, a general table of all the publick printed English and Irish acts of Parliament now in force and use in Ireland on the first day of June 1724, from Magna Charta to the ninth year of the reign of His Present Majesty King George the second inclusive. Containing, the full purport and effect of all the English society to the tenth year of the reign of Ki
  • 16124
    Book Info
    [The] prospect, or rural sports; a poem. Containing, I. The Beauties of a Country Life, the Dawn of Day, the Rosy Morning, Hay and Corn Harvest. II. The Workmen busy in the Field. III. Partridge Shooting. IV. Fox-Hunting. V. The Necessity of the different Seasons of the Year. VI. Some serious Reflections on the Mysteries of the Creation. To which is added, a letter to a young lady in Worcestershir
    Roberts, George
  • 16125
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    Æsop's Fables: with his life, and morals and remarks. Fitted for the meanest capacities
  • 16126
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    Éloges de trois philosophes
  • 16127
    Book Info
    [Edin]burgh almanack, for the year M.DCC.LIII. Being the first after leap year, ..., with the greatest respect, dedicated unto the Right Honourable William Alexander, Esq; Lord Provost, Robert Montgomery, James Grant, Alexander Grant, James R..., bailies. David Flint, dean of Guild, Adam Fairholm, treasurer. William Keir, deacon conveener of the trades, and the remanent honourable members of the c
  • 16128
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    [A catalogue] of the fellows : candidates, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16129
    Book Info
    Ædes Walpolianæ: or, a description of the collection of pictures at Houghton-Hall in Norfolk, the seat of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, ...
    Walpole, Horace
  • 16130
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    ----Love without a mask: or The old ballad of the happy shepherdess paraphrased. A poem. By a Gentleman of Pembroke College, Oxford
  • 16131
    Book Info
    [A catalogue] of the fellows : and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16132
    Book Info
    [A description of the antient and famous city of Bristol. A poem. By W. Goldwin, A.M. Revised, with large additions, by I. Smart, A.M.
  • 16133
    Book Info
    [Appeal] from the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. Constantine Phipps, Esq; - - - appellant. The Right Honourable Richard Earl of Anglesey, Dame Mary Levynge, otherwise Annesley, the widow, executrix, and devisee, of Charles Annesley, Esq; deceased, Mark Whyte, gentleman, a creditor and incumbrancer on the estates in question, and a trustee for the other creditors of the said Charles Annesley, respo
  • 16134
    Book Info
    [Galwad i'r annychweledig Trwy y diweddar barchedig a duwiol Mr. Richard Baxter. Ynghyd a Hyfforddiadau pa fodd i dreulio pob dydd cyffredin, a phob dydd yr arglwydd wedi eu casclu allan o 'sgrifenadau Mr. Baxter, a Dr. Doddridge]
    Baxter, Richard
  • 16135
    Book Info
    [In the] House of Lords. Constantine Phipps, Esq; claiming as heir at law of the Right Honourable James Earl of Anglesey, deceased, - - appellant. The Right Honourable Richard Earl of Anglesey, one of the devisees in the wills and codicils of the said James Earl of Anglesey, deceased, who died about 50 years since; Dame Mary Levynge, otherwise Annesley, the widow, executrix, and devisee, of Charle
  • 16136
    Book Info
    æsop's fables with his life morals and remarks. fitted for the meanest capacities
  • 16137
    Book Info
    [A catalogue] of the fellows : candidates, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16138
    Book Info
    [A] caution against false Prophets, in a sermon on Matt. vii. 15-20. [P]articularly recommended to the people called methodists
  • 16139
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    [A] fragment
  • 16140
    Book Info
    [An] essay on man, in four ethic epistles. To Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. By Alexander Pope, Esq;