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총 19,680건 중 16,201 - 16,220건 출력
  • 16201
    Book Info
    Æsop's Fables, with their morals: in prose and verse. Grammatically translated. Illustrated with pictures and emblems. Together with the history of his life and death. Newly and exactly translated out of the original Greek
  • 16202
    Book Info
    [A collection of engravings of castles and abbeys in Wales, by Samuel and Nathanael Buck.]
    Buck, Samuel
  • 16203
    Book Info
    [A] Paraphrase and notes on the revelation of St. John. By Moses Lowman
  • 16204
    Book Info
    [An] exact list of the Lords spiritual and temporal. With an alphabetical list of the counties, cities, and boroughs, with their representatives, p. 11. Of the knights, citizens and burgesses of the present Parliament, with their places [of] abode, &c. p. 19. And other proper distinctions. To which is added, a list of the peers of Scotland and Ireland
  • 16205
    Book Info
    [B----gy's] lamentation for the loss of s----n of her ch--l---n, who were lately sent to V-r--y
  • 16206
    Book Info
    [The Works of John Sheffield Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham.]
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 16207
    Book Info
    [The complete fisher: or, the true art of angling. Being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh water fish, with the worm, fly, paste, and other baits in their proper seasons:] ... Recommended by W. Wright, and other experienc'd anglers
    Smith, John
  • 16208
    Book Info
    [The] Hop garland: Containing three new songs. I. The cullies invitation: or, A word of comfort to the merry mob: or, female fraternity, belonging to the nocturnal hop. II. A second part of the cullies invitaion: or, the fidler's fraternity: containing a farther progress in the jovial mirth, made by the comical mob, residing in the suburbs of London and Westminster. III. The lover's encounter: or,
  • 16209
    Book Info
    [Wright's compleat collection of celebrated country dances both old and new that are in vouge [sic], : with the newest and best directions to each dance : ye whole carefully corrected. Voll. 1st.]
  • 16210
    Book Info
    [A catalogue] of the fellows : candidates, honorary fellows, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16211
    Book Info
    [A] narrative of the proceedings of the General Synod, which met at Dungannon, 1739; relating to some scruples, against subscribing the Westminster Confession of faith, referr'd to their consideration. By Richard Aprichard
    Aprichard, Richard
  • 16212
    Book Info
    [The humble address of the ... Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty, on Friday, the sixteenth day of November, 1739. With His Majesty's most gracious answer.]
    Great Britain
  • 16213
    Book Info
    [The] account between Gerald Burke, Esq; appellant, and Sir Walter Blake, bart. respondent, according to the award made by the arbitrators; whereby it will appear, that they have awarded against the appellant the sum of 405l. 18s. 1 1/2d. more then is due from him according to the arbitrators own sense of the account between the appellant and respondent
  • 16214
    Book Info
    Æsop's fables. With instructive morals and reflections, abstracted from all party considerations, adapted to all capacities; and design'd to promote religion, morality, and universal benevolence. Containing two hundred and forty fables, with a cut Engrav'd on Copper to each fable. And th life of Æsop prefixed
  • 16215
    Book Info
    [A] Dissuasive from entering into holy orders, in a letter, to a young gentleman [&c.]
  • 16216
    Book Info
    [A] catalogue of the fellows : candidates, honorary fellows, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16217
    Book Info
    [A] letter from a merchant who has left off trade, to a member of Parliament. In which the case of the British and Irish manufacture of linen, threads, and tapes, is fairly stated, and all the objections against the encouragement proposed to be given to that manufacture fully answered
  • 16218
    Book Info
    [A] perfect view of the Gin Act, with its unhappy consequences; Containing not only an inquiry into, but also a full account of the power of the justices of the peace, as limited by that law. The whole illustrated with well-attested cases of some unhappy sufferers from the villanies of persidious informers. By Reay Sabourn, gent.
  • 16219
    Book Info
    [Seasonable testimony] : In four parts. Part I. Humble pleadings with our Mother-Church of Scotland. Part II. Serious expostulations with separtists from it. Part III. Earnest exhortations to all to endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. These in the first edition. Part IV. A continuation of this seasonable testimony, in further reasonings and pleadings with the separating
  • 16220
    Book Info
    [Nov. 18, 1737.] His Majesty has thought fit to order, that publick prayers be put up in all the churches in and about the cities of London and Westminster, for the recovery of Her Majesty's health. Upon this occasion, it is to be mentioned before the prayer for all conditions of men, commonly called the general intercession, that the prayers of the congregation are desired for the recovery of He