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총 19,680건 중 16,381 - 16,400건 출력
  • 16381
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    [Adam] Cockburn, Ld Ormistoun, and [Dame] Anne his wife, appellants. John Hamilton, Esq; an infant, by his guardian, respondent. The appellants case
  • 16382
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    [An Elegie] on the much to be lamented death of Sir James Stuart, of Goodtrees Her Majesty's advocat, who departed this life, May 1st. 1713. In the 78 year of his age
  • 16383
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    [By the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland. An alphabetical list of the names of all such persons of the popish religion within the kingdom of Ireland, who have licenses to carry arms. ...]
  • 16384
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    Ærarium sacrum: or, a proposal towards the maintenance of the widows of beneficed clergymen. Humbly recommended to the consideration of the Convocation; and the Corporation of Clergymens Sons
  • 16385
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    Æternitas ponarum & præmiorum patet lumine naturæ
  • 16386
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    1. We conceive such an order, as is propos'd in the question, to be absolutely necessary, because we are fully convinc'd that the Duke of Ormond does lie under some order of restraint from acting offensively, ...
    Great Britain
  • 16387
    Book Info
    1712. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. Assisting persons in the right understanding of this years revolutions, as also of things past, present, and to come. [With] necessary tables, plain and useful. ... twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian, or foreign computations, more ... and full than any other, with the rising and setting of the sun, the nightly rising and setting of
  • 16388
    Book Info
    [A Full and true] account of a desperate and bloody duel: which was fought this morning in High-Park between my Lord Moon, and Duke Hambilton. With an account how my Lord Moon was kill'd on the spot, and Duke Hambilton receiv'd a mortal wound, of which he dy'd in a few hours after he receiv'd the wound. Enter'd in the Stamp-Office, according to the late act of Parliament
  • 16389
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    [A catalogue of the] fellows : candidates, honorary-fellows, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16390
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    [A treatise of gnomonicks, or] dialling. ... Done into English, and amended in several places, by J. T. Desaguliers ...
    Ozanam, Jacques
  • 16391
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    [An Act for appointing the circuit courts in that part of Great Britain called Scotland to be kept only once in the year.]
    Great Britain
  • 16392
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    [An Act for explaining and altering the laws now in being concerning the assigns of fuel, so far as may relate to the assize of billet made or to be made of beech-wood only.]
    Great Britain
  • 16393
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    [An Act for raising the militia for the year one thousand seven hundred and twelve, although the months pay formerly advanced be not repaid; and for the rectifying a mistake in an Act passed this session of Parliament, intituled, An Act for punishing mutiny and desertion and false musters, and for the better payment of the army and quarters.]
    Great Britain
  • 16394
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    [An Act to restore the patrons to their ancient rights of presenting ministers to churches vacant, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.]
    Great Britain
  • 16395
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    [An excellent new song] call'd, the full tryal and condemnation of John Duke of Marlborough.
  • 16396
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    [Colo]nel Luke Lillingston, [br]other and admini[str]ator of Major and Captain Gervas Lillingston, appel' Marmaduke Constable and Elizabeth his wife, one of the sisters of the Colonel and Gervas Lillingston, resp' the respondents case
  • 16397
    Book Info
    [Great Britain ...] or, the happy work compleated at last. Exemplified in some glorious passages of the life of Queen Anne. Her victories over Her enemies both at home and abroad. Together with Her most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Friday, June the 6th, 1712. With the articles of peace. Licensed according to order.
  • 16398
    Book Info
    [The mask pull'd off]: Or, The disse... of a whiggish corporation. Being the late curate of Gravesend's vindication ... villanous and libelling letter inserted some time ago in the Observator, where the restless and ... of ... factious party are dis... and ... reasons assign'd for the barbarous ... he has found there
  • 16399
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    Æsop at Utrecht
  • 16400
    Book Info
    Æsopi fabulæ, Anglo-Latinæ; quarum singulæ in distinctas suas periodos, numericis characteribus annotatas, ita dividuntur; ut in eisdem transcribendis & transferendis exercitati pueruli, non modo regulas quascunque grammaticas accuratiùs intelligant; sed & aptam verborum compositionem, atque idiomata utriusque linguæ feliciùs prosequantur, atq; imitentur. A Carolo Hoole, ...