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총 19,680건 중 16,481 - 16,500건 출력
  • 16481
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    [The history of the devils of Loudon: ...] In three books. By Mr. Boyer
    Aubin, Nicolas
  • 16482
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    [The last speeches and dying words of Captain Thomas Green, commander of the ship Worcester, and of Capt. John Madder, chief mate of the said ship,] who were executed near Leith, April 11th 1705
  • 16483
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    [A] guide to eternal glory or, Brief directions to all Christians flow to attain everlasting salvation. To which are added, several other excellent divine tracts, having been discovred in three heavenly conversations between our blessed saviour and 1. A publican. 2. A pharisee. 3. a doubting Christian. II. The three fold state of a Christian, 1. By nature; 2. By Grace. 3. In Glory. III. The script
  • 16484
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    [Ah how sweet are the cooling breeze] Words made by Mr. Tho: D'urfey, to a tune of Mr. William Croft's, and exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cross.|Collection of songs by severall masters.
  • 16485
    Book Info
    [An Act for granting an aid to Her Majesty, for carrying on the war, and other Her Majesty's occasions, by selling annuities at several rates, and for such respective terms or estates as are therein mentioned.]
    England | Wales
  • 16486
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    [An Act for prohibiting all trade and commerce with France.]
    England | Wales
  • 16487
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    [An Act to enlarge the time for the purchasers of the forfeited estates in Ireland, to make the payments of their purchase money.]
    England | Wales
  • 16488
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    [An Act to repeal a proviso in an act of the fourth year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, which prevents the citizens of the city of York from disposing of their personal estates by their wills, as others inhabiting within the province of York by that act may do.]
    England | Wales
  • 16489
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    [An] Express from Holland, with the joyful news of the King of Spain's safe arrival at Lisbon in Portugal, and the great victory obtain'd over the French by the camisars. Thursday, March the 16th, 1704
  • 16490
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    [Epieikeia, or, A] vindication of the justice and equity of a proposal, that every minister should be allowed, in consideration of his supply of the cure, and of other burthens of the church, out of the profits of his benefice, or spiritual promotion, in proportion to the value of it, to the time of avoidance. In answer to a charge of its being an uncharitable and unjust proposition, prejudicing t
  • 16491
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    [Impartial thoughts] upon the nature of humane soul, and some passages Concerning it in the writings of Mr. Hobs, and Mr. Collier, occasioned by a book, entitled, second thoughts. By a divine of the Church of England
  • 16492
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    [Oh take him gently from the pile] sung by Mrs. Bracegirdle in Cyrus the Great. Sett to music by Mr. John Eccles, and exactly engrav'd by T. Cross.|Cyrus the Great. Oh take him gently from the pile|Cyrus the Great.|Collection of songs by severall masters.
  • 16493
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    Æsop dress'd; or A collection of fables writ in familiar verse. By B. Mandeville, M.D.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 16494
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    Æsop the wanderer: or, fables Relating to the Transactions of Europe; Occasionally Writ since the late battle at Bleinheim. Viz. The Introduction. The Wagerers. The fall of Tyranny. The Panther and his Son. A Priest for the Devil. The Ambitious Boy. The Bear and the Lion. The Tyger and his Subjects. The Eagle and the Hawk. The Miscarriage. A Tale of a Tub
  • 16495
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    [A] Short account of the impiety and immorality of the stage: With reasons for putting a stop thereunto: and some questions addrest [sic] to such as frequent the play-house
  • 16496
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    [Act for a toleration of the Episcopal] Church in Scotland, which was thrown out by the Scotch Parliament, An. 1703. Act for toleration
  • 16497
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    [An] Act appointing commissioners to examine, state, and take the publick accompts of the kingdom
  • 16498
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    [An] enquiry into the occasional conformity bill. By the author of The true born English man,
  • 16499
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    [Reasons] for attacking the French lines
  • 16500
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    [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande.]|Book of common prayer.|An acte for the vniformitie of common prayer, and seruice in the church, and administration of the sacraments