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총 19,680건 중 16,601 - 16,620건 출력
  • 16601
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    [Sir John Friend and Sir William Perkins last farwell to the world, who were executed at Tyburn on Friday the 3d. of Aprill, 1696, or, Their sor]rowful lamentati[on] for being concerned in this horrid and bloody plot Tune of, 'Twas within a furlong of Edenborough town.|Their sorrowful lamentation for being concerned in this horrid and bloody plot|Mock marriage. 'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro'
  • 16602
    Book Info
    [The tryals and condemnation of Robert Charnock, Edward King, and Thomas Keyes, for the horrid ... conspiracy to assassinate His Sacred Majesty, K. William ... who upon full evidence were found guilty of high-treason at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily March 11, 1695/6 : together with a true copy of the papers delivered by them to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex at the time of their execu
  • 16603
    Book Info
    [Thomas Martin & al. appellants. against William Stephens respondent]... Bewick, Simon Brown, senr. Simon Brown, junr. Robt. Hills, Edward Ballard, Joseph Leach and Thomas Cottage. ... Vicar of Linton. Respondent. The appellants case.
  • 16604
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    [Tou agiou Ignatiou epistolai. = Sancti Ignatii epistolae]
  • 16605
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    [A pleasant ballad of Tobias]
  • 16606
    Book Info
    [A pleasant new ballad of] King Henry the Second, and the miller of Mansfield and how he was lodged at the miller's house, and of their pleasant communication : to the tune of, The French lavalto, &c.|Miller of Mansfield|King and miller|French lavalto.|Second part of the King and miller, shewing how he came to court with his wife and son, and what merry conceits passed between the King and them.
  • 16607
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    [A proposal, showing how clipt] money may pass, in an adventure. Now set out by Thomas Neale, Esq; master and worker of his Majesty's mint; most convenient for such, who having any clipt money, have no better way how to dispose it.
  • 16608
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    [A warn]ing from the lord to the city and nation, in mercy to the people, to see if they will yet seek him.
  • 16609
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    [A] new mad Tom of Bedlam or, The man in the moon drinks claret, with powder-beef turnip and carret. Tune is, Grays-Inn-mask.
  • 16610
    Book Info
    [A] new mad Tom of Bedlam or, the man in the moon drinks claret with powder-beef turnip and carret. The tune is, Grays-Inn-mask.
  • 16611
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    [Advertisement] The pleasures of matrimony; intermix'd with variety of merry and delightful stories ... price 1 s. sold by H. Rhodes, at the Star the corner of Bride-lane in Fleetstreet ...
  • 16612
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    [Bibliotheca Balfouriana, sive catalogus librorum ...]
  • 16613
    Book Info
    [Bibliothecae Stawellianae pars prima,] or, A catalogue of curious books, divinity history, poetry, and philology in Greek, Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish in all volumes : being the first part of the library of the Right Honorable John late Lord Stawel, Baron of Somerton : will be sold by auction on Tuesday the 3d. of December next, at three of the clock in the afternoon, at Tom's Coffee Hou
  • 16614
    Book Info
    [Catalogue of a collection of books sold at auction]
  • 16615
    Book Info
    [London] ss [to John Aston and John ... appointed and approved collectors for Grub Street & Hore Street ... in the parish of St. Giles without Cripple Gate] in the [city] aforesaid of the several rates, duties and sums of money, granted to His Majesty King William III by virtue of an act of Parliament made in the sixth and seventh year of His said Majesty's reign, inituted, An Act for Grantin
  • 16616
    Book Info
    [N]eptune's raging fury: or, The gallant seaman's sufferings. Being a relation of their perils and dangers, and of the extraordinary hazards they undergo in their noble adventures. Together with their undaunted valour and rare constancy in all their extremities: and the manner of their rejoycing on shore, at their return home. Tune of, When the sto
  • 16617
    Book Info
    [Notes on various excise taxes[?], dated 1695 Sep. 5]
  • 16618
    Book Info
    [Opinions being various how now to take in the late currant clipt money, the best way] for the publick and [future] ease, and content of persons posse[st] of the same. Two ways (besides those of taxes and loans, to be taken by His Majesties receivers) have been proposed, in which both agree,
  • 16619
    Book Info
    [R]abshakeh rebuked, and his [ra]iling accusations refuted containing [so]me reflections upon a late sheet, enti[tule]d, an essay towards the allaying [Fo]x his spirit, by way of introduction : a reply to a later book, entitluled, A [dis]covery of the accursed thing, &c., enlarg[ed], both written by Thomas Crispe ... / by E.P.|Essay towards the alloying of George Fox his spirit.|Discovery of the
  • 16620
    Book Info
    [T]here is a bill; or information in Mr. Atturney General's name fil'd in the Court of Exchequer, against Benjamin Hyet, Richard Parsons, and others in the county of Gloucester, &c. wherein they are charged in the respective schedules to the said bill annexed, to have heretofore levied and received from the several persons here under written, calle