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총 19,680건 중 16,621 - 16,640건 출력
  • 16621
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    1694. An almanack of the coelestiall motions, aspects and eclipses, &c. for the year of our Lord God, MDCXCIV and of the world, 5643 Being the second after bissextile or leap year, and of the reign of Their Majesties William and Mary King and Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland. &c. (which began Feb 13, 1688,9) the sixth year. Calculated fo
  • 16622
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    [A pedigree illustrating the claim of Sir Richard Verney to the barony of Broke]
  • 16623
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    [A] song for the King and Queen: written for New-Years Day, 1694.
  • 16624
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    [Josephi antiquitatem judaicarum specimen]
  • 16625
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    [Letter appointing John Baber to Solicitor of the Excise]
  • 16626
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    [The Holy Bible]
  • 16627
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    [The character] of a good ruler as it was recommended in a sermon [preached before] His Excellency the Governour, and the honoura[ble] counsellors, and assembly of the representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New-England : [on] May 30. 1694 : [which was the day] for election of [counsellors] for that province / by Samuel [Willard] ..
  • 16628
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    1. Catonis disticha de moribus, 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Graeciae, 3. Mimi publiam, sive, Senecae proverbia Anglo-Latina Cato item grammaticè interpretatus Latinis & vernaculis vocibus pari ordine sed diversis lineis alternatis quò sc. aetatula puerilis praecepta vitae communis ita legant ut intelligant / a Carolo Hoolo = 1. Cato's distichs concerning manners, 2. Excellent
  • 16629
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    [A bond given to the captain of every ship by the seamen]
  • 16630
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    [An almanack for the year of Christ, 1694.] [Being the second after bissextile or leap-year.].|Jewish kalendar containing an account of their fasts and festivals
  • 16631
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    [Letter under the Privy Seal concerning the debts of Bevis Lloyd, Esq.]
  • 16632
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    [Newgate,] Octob. 30. 1693. Whereas it was witnessed against Shadrach Cooke on Tuesday the 17th. of this present month, at the Old Bailey, that he did forge a pasport to France in my Lord Nottingham's name ...
  • 16633
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    [The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism and church-membership containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3, 10].
  • 16634
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    [The wandering Jew; or, The shoomaker]|Shoomaker|Wandering Jew; or, The shoemaker|Shoemaker
  • 16635
    Book Info
    [To the Right Honourable] the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of London gentlemen, you are now going to encourage the lighting the city of London, it's hoped you will take the same care of your incorporated members and other artists, as the Parliament hat already done of all Their Majesties subjects in this case it was proposed to the Parliament that the lamp-lights might be estab
  • 16636
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    [To the] right honourable the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and commonalty of the city of London, in Common Council assembled reasons humbly offered against the old lights, called convex-lights.|Reasons humbly offered against the old lights, called convex-lights
  • 16637
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    Æsopi phrygis fabulæ, jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusæ. : Unà cum nonnullis variorum authorum fabulis adjectis. : Et indice correctiori præfixo.|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16638
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    [An abridgment of the architecture of Vitruvius] [containing a system of the whole works of that author illustrated with divers copper plates, curiously engraved; with a table of explanation, to which is added in this edition the etymology and derivation of the terms used in architecture / first done in French by Monsr Perrault, of the Academy of Paris, and now Englished, with additions].
  • 16639
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    [Fair warning to murderers of infants: being an account of the tryal, condemnation and execution of Mary Goodenough at the assizes held in Oxon, in February, 1691/2. Together with the advice sent by her to her children, in a letter sign'd by her own hand the night before she was executed; with some reflections added upon the whole: printed for the
  • 16640
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    [Modern novels.