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총 19,680건 중 16,641 - 16,660건 출력
  • 16641
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    [Modern novels.
  • 16642
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    [The English fortune-tellers]
  • 16643
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    [The stamps of 18 sorts of [--]: to be d[--]y'd after the 14 of Apr. 1692.]
  • 16644
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    39000 men for the maning the fleet for 7 months ...
  • 16645
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    5. wonders in the month of July 1691 a faithful narrative of the several strange prodigious signs and wonderful appearances & accidents, which have lately hapned in several parts of England, both from the heavens, earth, and water : being a relation of I. A prodigious thunder and lightning at a place call'd Everton ..., II. A whale, or sea-monster, of prodigious size, near Newcastle ..., III.
  • 16646
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    [...] Expenses on his journey into Wales about ye survey of J[...] of[?] land there and elsewhere in Aug. and Sept. 1691
  • 16647
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    [An elegy on the death of the late honourable George Lord] Dartmouth [...]
  • 16648
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    [An exact and faithful] account of the taking part of a fleet of French merchant-men, and bringing them into Cows in the Isle of Wight: with the narrative of what the French prisoners declare, touching the present conjuncture of affairs.
  • 16649
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    [Collection of surveys of various properties in Wales]
  • 16650
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    [Englan]ds improvement, and seasonable advice to all gentlemen and farmers how to prepare the ground fit for sowing hemp and flax seed; the nature of it, with directions how to sow it, when ripe how to pull it, and preserve the seed when ripe: with directions for watering, breaking, swingling and preparing it fit to be hachell'd.
  • 16651
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    [Grant under the Privy Seal to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, for the increase in funding of guards, garrisons, and land forces]
  • 16652
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    [Letter, 1691 Oct. 13 to] Lord Sydney Charles Porter ; Tho: Coningesby.
  • 16653
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    [List of transactions between March 28 and April 1, 1691]
  • 16654
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    Æsopi phrygis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusæ : unà cum nonnullis variorum authorum fabulis adje[c]tis : et indice correctiori præfixo.
  • 16655
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    [A]dvertisement of a very useful book now published, intituled, The art of brewing beer, ale, &c. The contents of the book are as follows, viz. ...
  • 16656
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    [Act] and order of council, for sequestrating the rents of such as are in rebellion against their Majesties At Edinburgh, the 3d day of January, 1690.
  • 16657
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    [An excellent ballad, intitul'd, The unfortunate love of a Lancashire gentleman, and the hard fortune of a fair young bride. To the tune of, Come follow my love, &c.
  • 16658
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    [An] improvement of the way of teaching the Latin tongue by the English suited with variety of examples to each particular rule. To which is added, the way and manner of framing an oration in all its parts; with paradigms of short speeches upon several subjects, fitted for the use of young beginners.
  • 16659
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    [Bibliotheca instructissima], sive Catalogus librorum in omnigena literatura, praesertim vero antiqua romana & graeca maxime insignium magna ex parte ex bibliothecis celeberrimorum virorum Casparis Fagel ... & Stephani Le Moyne ... : accedit quoque bibliotheca equisitissima illmi & eruditissimi viri nuper defuncti : quorum auctio habebitur Londini tertio die Februarii 1689/90, apud Sa
  • 16660
    Book Info
    [C]atalogue of the nobility of England, according to their respective precedencies, and titles of honour they now enjoy, the first of March, 1689. And in the first year of Their Majesties reign. : To which is added the blazon of their paternal coats of arms respectively, and a list of the present bishops.