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총 19,680건 중 16,781 - 16,800건 출력
  • 16781
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    [The] reformation of the Church of Ireland, in the life and death of George Browne some time Arch-Bishop of Dublin being the first of the Romish clergy that adhered here in Ireland, to the reformation of the Protestant church of England; being then reformed within this realm of Ireland. anno 1551.
  • 16782
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    [To the kings most excellent majesty. The humble address of your most loyal ... subjects ... of] Hereford
  • 16783
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    Æsopi Phyrgis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusæ unà cum nonnullis variorum authorum fabulis adjectis : et indice correctiori præfixo.|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16784
    Book Info
    1680 Apollo Anglicanus the English Apollo: assisting all persons in the right understanding of this years revolution, as also of things past, present, and to come : with necessary tables plain and useful, a twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, Gregorian or foreign computations, more plain and full than any other ... being the bissextile or lea
  • 16785
    Book Info
    1680, A yea and nay almanack for the people call'd by the men of the world Quakers containing many needfull and necessary observations from the first day of the first month, till the last day of the twelfth month, being the bissextile or leaping year : calculated properly for the meridian of the Bull and Mouth within Aldersgate, and may indifferently serve for any other meeting-house what or wher
  • 16786
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    [A godly sermon]
  • 16787
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    [Daniels copy-book, or, A compendium of the most usual hands of England ... ]
  • 16788
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    [Parliamentary speeches and debates, dated Nov. 1680- Jan. 1681]
  • 16789
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    [The midwi]ves ghost ... to the tune of When Troy town, &c.
  • 16790
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    [Win at first]
  • 16791
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    1. Dr. Tonges relation of the general massacre intended and plotted by the Papists: 2. Brought into Parliament by his direction and assistance: 3. Near the time of their prorogation, about the 22th. of June, 1678. by Richard Greene of Dilwin, in the county of Hereford, who first informed the doctor it.
  • 16792
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    1679, a yea and nay almanack for the people called by much of the world Quakers containing many needfull and necessary observations from the first day of the first month, till the last day of the twelfth month, a being the third after the bissextile or the leaping year : calculated properly for the meridian of the Bull and Mouth within Aldersgate, and may indifferently serve for any other meeting
  • 16793
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    1679, gratulamini mecum, or, A congratulatory essay upon His Majesties most happy recovery by Robert Whitehall.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 16794
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    1679. Gratulamini mecum: or, A congratulatory essay upon His Majesties most happy recovery. By Robert Whitehall, M.B. Oxon.
  • 16795
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    [A call from Heaven to the present and succeeding generations or A discourse wherein is shewed,I. That the children of godly parents are under special advantages and encouragements to seek the Lord. II The exceeding danger of apostasie, especially as to those that are the children and posterity of such as have been eminent for God in their generati
  • 16796
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    [A] Poem On the Present Assembling Of the Parliament. March the 6th 1678
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 16797
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    [A]n advertisement from the Garbling office of the city of London. To all merchants and others whom it may concern, 1679
  • 16798
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    [A]n advertisement from the Garbling office of the city of London. To all merchants and others whom it may concern, 1679.
  • 16799
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    [An almanack of the coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epoch 1679]
  • 16800
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    [Articles of high misdemeanour humbly offer'd and presented to the consideration of His Sacred Majesty, and the right honourable the lords, and others of his Majesties most honourable privy council, against Sir William Scroggs]