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총 19,680건 중 16,801 - 16,820건 출력
  • 16801
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    [En oligo Christianos] the almost-Christian discovered, or, the false professor tried and cast : being the substance of seven sermons, first preached at Sepulchres, Lond., 1661, and now at the importunity of friends made publick / by Matthew Meade.|Almost-Christian discovered.|False professor tried and cast.
  • 16802
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    [En]gland's grand memorial the unparallel'd plot to destroy His Majesty, subvert the Protestant religion, and Sir Edmund burie Godfrey's murder made visible : whereunto is added his character : ...ly dedicated to the Right Honorable Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury, Lord president of His Majesties most honorable privy council, and an eminent promoter of
  • 16803
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    [His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, June the second, 1680.]
  • 16804
    Book Info
    [News] from Epsom: or, The revengful lady shewing how a young lady there was beguil'd by a London-gallant; who when he had done, boasted of the conquest, for which unworthy fact, she wittily reveng'd her self of the tell-tale; and made a capon of a Cockney. A novell. Written (tho' I say it) according to the exactest rules of fancy and judgement: in
  • 16805
    Book Info
    [The Bishop of London his letter to the clergy of his diocess.] April 25. 1679. [By] ... H. London..
  • 16806
    Book Info
    [The last famous siege of the city of Rochel] [together with the Edict of Nantes / by Peter Meruault].|Journal des choses memorables qui se sont passées au dernier siege de La Rochelle.|Edit de Nantes.
  • 16807
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    [The necessity] of reformation with the expedients subservient thereunto asserted in answer to two questions, I. What are the evils that have provoked the Lord to bring his judgements on New-England?, II. What is to be done that so those evils may be reformed? / agreed upon by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled in the Synod at Bost
  • 16808
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    [The tryals and condemnation of Thomas White, alias Whitebread ... William Harcourt ... John Fenwick ... John Gavern, alias Gawen & Anthony Turner, all Jesuits and priests, for high treason in conspiring the death of the King, the subversion of government, and Protestant religion at the Sessions in the Old-Bailey ... on Friday and Saturday, being the 13th and 14th of June 1679 ...]
  • 16809
    Book Info
    [The tryals of Sir George Wakeman, Barronet, William Marshall, William Rumley, and James Corker, Benedictine monks, for high treason, for conspiring the death of the King, subversion of the government, and Protestant religion at the Sessions in the Old-Baily, holden for London and Middlesex, on Fryday the 18th of July, 1679 ...]
  • 16810
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    1. Catonis disticha de moribus; 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Graeciae. 3. Mimi Publiani, sive, Senecae proverbia, anglo latina. Cato item grammaticè interpretatus, latinis & vernaculis vocibus pari ordine, sed diversis lineis alternatis. Quò sc. aetatulâ puerilis precepta vitae communis ita legant ut intelligant. 1. Cato's distichs concerning manners; 2. Excellent saying
  • 16811
    Book Info
    1678. An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1678 being (in our account) third after leap year, and from the creation 5627 ... calculated for the longitude of 315 fr. and 42 gr. 30 min. north-latitude / J.F.|Almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1678 being (in our account) third after leap year, and from the creation 5627
  • 16812
    Book Info
    1678. Apollo Anglicanus, the English Apollo: assisting all persons in the right understanding of this years revolution, as also of things past, present, and to come. With necessary tables plain and useful. A twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, Gregorian or forein computations, more plain and full than any other; with the sun and moons risings
  • 16813
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    [A congratulatory] poem on occasion of His Highness the Prince of Orange his marriage.
  • 16814
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    [Collo]quiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum [C]um scholiis quibusdam antehac non editis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio omnium (qu lucem viderunt hactenus) absolutissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte argumentis unicuique colloquio. 3. Adjecto indice nov
  • 16815
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    [The prodigals resolution]. or My father was born before me. To a pleasant new tune.
  • 16816
    Book Info
    1677 Apollo Anglicanus the English Apollo: assisting all persons in the right understanding of this years revolution, as also of things past, present, and to come : with necessary tables plain and useful, a twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, Gregorian or forein computations, more plain and full than any other...being the first after bissextile or leap-year, with a necessary and useful disc
  • 16817
    Book Info
    1677. An almanack of coelestial motions of the sun and planets with some of their principal aspects for year of the Christian aera 1677. Being in one account the second after leap-year and from the creation, 5626. ... Calculated for longitude 215. gr. and 42. gr. 30. min. of north latitude. By J.S.
  • 16818
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    [A collection of several treatises concerning the reasons and occasions of the penal laws. Viz. I. The execution of justice in England, not for religion, but for treason: 17 Dec. 1583. II. Important considerations, by the secular priests: printed A.D. 1601. III. The Jesuits reasons unreasonable: 1662].|Jesuits reasons unreasonable, or, Doubts proposed to the Jesuits.
  • 16819
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    [A jovial garland, or, Variety of songs,] [full of mirth and pleasure, for young-men and maids to read at their leisure]|Variety of songs
  • 16820
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    [Artificial versifying or, The school-boy's recreation.]