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총 19,680건 중 16,941 - 16,960건 출력
  • 16941
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    1661. The scripture-kalendar in use by the prophets and apostles, and by our Lord Jesus Christ (with our vulgar almanack:) explaining the accounts, measures, weights, coyns, customs, and language of God's ancient people, and of primitive Christians with I. A preface shewing the need, life, and benefit hereof, II. The heathen and scripture names, or
  • 16942
    Book Info
    [A lively] pourtraict of our new-cavaliers, commonly called Presbyterians. Clearly shewing, that his maiesty came not in upon their account. In a compendious narrative of our late revolutions.|Pourtraict of our new-cavaliers, commonly called Presbyterians
  • 16943
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    [An essay to the] celebration of the anniversary day of His Majesties Birth and restitution. May 29, 1630/60
  • 16944
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    [An essay to the] celebration of the anniversary day of His Majesties Birth and restitution. May 29, 1630/60.
  • 16945
    Book Info
    [Evangelion aionion eis t aionch] doxotaton, or, A glimpse of gospel glory. together with a short but pithie treatise of Mr. E.D. shewing that Peter was never at Rome : to which is subjoyned as an appendix some pregnant collections by ... H. Nelson ... to a like purpose.
  • 16946
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    [Holy Bible]
  • 16947
    Book Info
    [Mataiobrachytes tou biou] The brevity and vanity of man's life : discovered in a sermon preached at the funerals of Mrs. Ellen Hartcourt, youngest daughter to the virtuous and excellent Lady Cony of Stoke in Lincolnshire, who was interr'd in Saint Andrews-Holborn-Church, March 23, 1661, being married that day five weeks before / by Richard Henchman.
  • 16948
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    [Proclamation] against all meetings, of Quakers, Anabaptists, &c.
  • 16949
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    [T]hirteen books of natural philosophy viz. I. Of the principles, and common adjuncts of all natural bodies. II. Of the heavens, the world, and elements. III. Of action, passion, generation, and corruption. IV. Of meteors. V. Of minerals and metals. VI. Of the soul in general, and of things vegetable. VII. Of animals or living creatures. VIII. Of m
  • 16950
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    1660. Westminster sir, friendly society being a meanes to preserve unity and beget amity ...
  • 16951
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    [A character of] Charles the Second written by an impartial hand, and exposed to publick view for information of the people.
  • 16952
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    [A proclamation by the Committee of Estates conveened] by His Majesties [speciall authority, against unlawfull] meetings and seditious papers at Edinburgh the 24 day of August, 1660.
  • 16953
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    [A short treatise containing all the principall grounds]
  • 16954
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    [A] caveat for wives to love their husbands or, Pleasant news from hell. Written in Italian by that grand politician Nicholas Machiavel and now translated into English for a Christmas-gigg.
  • 16955
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    [A] pleasant dialogue between the country-man and citizen, presented to my Lord Generall and Councell of State, at their last dinner at Drapers Hall. March the 28. 1660. The tune is, She never love thee more.
  • 16956
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    [An elegy on the death of Henry, duke of Gloucester]
  • 16957
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    [An elegy on the death of the most illustrious] Prince Henry Duke of [Gloucester], [third brother to] our most gracious soveraigne [King] Charles the Second, who deceased [this present] life the 13th. of September 1660.
  • 16958
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    [Analepsis anelephthe] the fastning of St. Petrrs [sic] fetters, by seven links, or propositions. Or, The efficacy and extent of the Solemn League and Covenant asserted and vindicated, against the doubts and scruples of John Gauden's anonymous questionist. : St. Peters bonds not only loosed, but annihilated by Mr. John Russell, attested by John Gauden, D.D. the league illegal, falsly fathered on
  • 16959
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    [Imprint and device of William Shears]
  • 16960
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    [Printer's device of Nathaniel Brooke with initials N.B.]