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총 19,680건 중 16,981 - 17,000건 출력
  • 16981
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    [The] words of the everlasting and true Light, vvho is the eternal living God, and the King of saints, which he gave unto me his servant, to declare unto the inhabitants of the earth, and unto all such as have any true tender desires in them after righteousnesse, and truth. And this is the message which I have heard and received of God, and now in
  • 16982
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    [To all the] hireling priests in England.
  • 16983
    Book Info
    [To the h]onourable the knights, citizens, [and] burgesses in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of Thomas Brewer gent. and VVilliam Pawlin, Elizabeth Quested widow, Ann Beswick, daughter of Ann Beswick widow, and other the creditors of Vlick late Earl of St. Albans, and Clanricard, deceased,.
  • 16984
    Book Info
    [To the whole] English army and to every particular member thereof, both officers and souldiers, whether of England, Scotland, or Ireland; these are for them to read, and consider, as wholesome animadversions in this day of distractions.
  • 16985
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    [To the] Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, the present authority of these nations assembled at Westminster. A presentation, by a faithful friend to the nations, in the name and by the spirit of Jesus Christ, King of righteousnesse and peace, that you may take off oppression, and free the people from all their cruel bonds that have been im
  • 16986
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    [Up]o[n] t[h]e [la]te storm and death of the Protector ensuing the same.
  • 16987
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    ... Grammatica linguae domini nostri Jesu Christi, sive, Grammatica Syriaca tribus libris tradita quorum primus vocum singularum proprietatem, secundus syntaxin, tertius figuras grammaticas & praxin continet : omnibus adeo breviter & dilucide explicatis ut menstruo spatio (uti praefatione ad lectorem docetur) ipsa linguae medulla exugatur / opera & studio Gulielmi Beveridgii ...
  • 16988
    Book Info
    ... Grammatica linguæ domini nostri Jesu Christi, sive, Grammatica Syriaca tribus libris tradita quorum primus vocum singularum proprietatem, secundus syntaxin, tertius figuras grammaticas & praxin continet : omnibus adeo breviter & dilucide explicatis ut menstruo spatio (uti praefatione ad lectorem docetur) ipsa linguae medulla exugatur / opera & studio Gulielmi Beveridgii ...
  • 16989
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    1658, Apollo Anglicanus the English Apollo : astronomically observing, and astrologically demonstrating those grand catastrophes, and superlative actions, designed by the heavens to be manifested in the world this present revolution : with necessary tables, of most useful consequence, fitting all persons in all conditions : a twofold kalender, viz. Julian or English, Gregorian or forraign computa
  • 16990
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    [A Mo]st excellent ballad of S. George for England and the kings daugh[ter of] AEgyipt, whom he delivered from death, and how he slew a mighty dragon. The tune is Flying fame.
  • 16991
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    [A] true account of what was done by a Church of Christ in Exon (whereof Mr. Lewis Stucley is pastor) the eighth day of March, 1657. when two members thereof were excommunicated. Together with the judgement of the non-conformists in the dayes of Q. Elizabeth, and K. Iames, concerning excommunication by a particular church. [Pu]blished by an eye abd
  • 16992
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    [Compass device with motto, 'Labore et constantia' and imprint]
  • 16993
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    [Hebrew] Elementa religionis, sive IV. capita catechetica totidem linguis descripta In usum scholarum. [Hebrew] Appendicis loco additur [Hebrew] i. e. Syphrizia seu Complicatio radicum in primaeua Hebraeorum lingua. Opera & studio A. L.
  • 16994
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    [Rhan o waith Mr. Rees Prichard ... = Some part of the works of Mr. Rees Prichard.]|Some part of the works of Mr. Rees Prichard
  • 16995
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    [The] two unfortunate lovers, Or, A true relation of the lamentable end of John True, and Susan Mease, their lives this ditty doth relate and how they dy'd uufortunate [sic]. To the tune of, The brides buriall.
  • 16996
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    Æsopi phrygis fabulae jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusae : unà cum monnullis variorum autorum fabulis adjectis et indice correctiori praefixo.|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16997
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    [A short catechism] to prepare young ignorant people for the Sacrament
  • 16998
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    [A spiritual exercise according to the custome of Windesem.]
  • 16999
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    [Apographe storges], or, A description of the passion of love demonstrating its original, causes, effects, signes, and remedies / by Will. Greenwood, [Philalethes].
  • 17000
    Book Info
    [Ar]rest of five unsober men: or An an epistolary expostulation with the three renowned common-council-men, and two engraven church-wardens of the ward of Portsoken, in the parrish of Buttolphs Aldgate London. Discovering the ridiculositie of their writing, falshood and vanity of what they pretend to have written in the foolish non-sense of the book groundlesly called, Mr. Crofton answered. / By