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총 19,680건 중 17,001 - 17,020건 출력
  • 17001
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    [Colloquiorum scholasticorum, libri quatuor]
  • 17002
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    [Colophon of James Nicollson]
  • 17003
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    [Colophon of T.R. & E.M.]
  • 17004
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    [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, his Divine Pymander in seventeen books : together with his second book, called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters, with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English, by ... Dr. Everard].
  • 17005
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    [Patriarchae, sive, Christi servatoris genealogia per mundi aetates traducta / ad Emanuele Thesavro].
  • 17006
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    [Y cywir ddychwelwr.]|Sincere convert.|At fynghyd-wladwr anwyl y Cymro
  • 17007
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    [[A] voice for the king of saints and nations.]
  • 17008
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    [A Mournful caral, or, An Elegy] [the] tragick ends of two unfortunate faithfull lovers, Frankin and Cordelius, he being slain, she stab'd herself with her own dagger : to a new tune, Frankin is fled away.
  • 17009
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    [Sefer Tehilim u-sepher Ekhah] = The Hebrew text of the Psalmes and Lamentations, , revised and corrected according to the best of Plantin and Stephan's impressions; but published without the superfluous and useless accents or accentuating characters ... : with a postscript to the text explaining the keri and ketib, or the Masoretical notes so called in these two books; / by William Robertson ...
  • 17010
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    [A warning for all wicked livers] By the example of Richard Whitfield, and M. Gibs who were two notorious offenders, and both of one company, which two men made a daily practise, and got their livings by robbing and stealing both on the high-ways, and in any other places where they came, but were at last taken, apprehended and condemned to dye for
  • 17011
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    [Katecheseis tes Christianikes pisteos,] [kathaper hautai en tais orthodoxais ekkleiais te kai scholais paradidontai.]
  • 17012
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    [Postilion. Or A new almanacke and astrologicke, prophetical, prognostication. Calculated for the whole world, and all creatures, and what the issue or event will be of the English warres, and of the Roman Empire, and that aboundance of calamities is yet to come, but after that an eternall peace, and a new world, and that unheard of and never known
  • 17013
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    [The making, description, and vse of a small portable instrument for the pocket (or according to any magnitude) in forme of a mixt trapezia thus called a horizontal quadrant.]
  • 17014
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    [The spirit of promise, or Those rich treasures, that so long have lyen hid in Christ, searched out and discovered to the saints.] [Wherein is undenyably proved that the holy spirit of promise, and the gifts thereof are the saints proper right now, and may and ought to be sought after with all diligence so as to be attained unto in this generation, full as well in the apostles. But wee that are b
  • 17015
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    Æsopi Phrygis fabulae jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusae : unà cum nonullis variorum autorum fabulis adjectis : et indice correctiori praefixo.|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 17016
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    1654. Merlinus, Cambro-Britannus. Or the Brittish Merlin demonstrating the true revolution of the year, the mutation and state of weather, chronological observations of most notable concurrences past, to this present year 1654. Notes of husbandry. With many necessary tables, containing directions for such as use marts and fairs; also for travellers
  • 17017
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    [Acts and statutes] of the island of Barbados made and enacted since the reducement of the same, unto the authority of the Common-wealth of England / and set forth the seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord God 1652, by the Honourable governour of the said island, the worshipfull the council, and gentlemen of the assembly ; together with charter of the said island, or articles made on
  • 17018
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    [Cheap riches; or, a pocket-companion]
  • 17019
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    [Imprint of The blessed birth-day]
  • 17020
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    ... Praecept ... lescentum, a ... Ejusdem oratorio, ad Nicolem, de regno. Agapeti expositio admonitoria ad Justinianum Imperatorem. De regno ex Dioregene, item & ex ecphante. Theoctisti sententiae adversus molles & negligentes. Haec omnia Graecè cum Latina interpretatione. Sententiae ex diversis auctoribus collectae, ac in alphabeticum ordinem dige