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총 19,680건 중 17,061 - 17,080건 출력
  • 17061
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    [Eikōn basilikē] the porvtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. : Together with His Maiesties praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediatly [sic] before his death. : Also His Majesties reasons, against the pretended jurisdiction of the high Court of Justice, which he intended to deliver in writing on Munday January 22. 1648.
  • 17062
    Book Info
    [Eikon basilike] the porvtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. : Together with His Maiesties praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediatly [sic] before his death. : Also His Majesties reasons, against the pretended jurisdiction of the high Court of Justice, which he intended to deliver in writing on Munday January 22. 1648.|Eikon basilike.|Porvtraictvre of His Sacred Ma
  • 17063
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    [T]o the supreme authority of England, the Commons assembled in Parliament. [T]he humble petition of divers wel-affected persons of the cities of London and Westminster, the borrough of Southwark, Hamblets, and places adjacent. [in] the behalf of Leiut. Col. John Lilburn, Mr William Walwyn, Mr Thomas Prince, and Mr Richard Overton, now prisioners in the Tower.|Humble petition of divers wel-affect
  • 17064
    Book Info
    [The Humble representation and petition of divers wel-affected gentlemen, free holders, and others of the county of Oxon.] [Presented to the supream authority of the nation, the Commons in Parliament assembled, April 6, 1649. With the speech of Mr. Butler at the delivery of the said petition, and the Speakers answer thereunto].
  • 17065
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    [The city-ministers unmasked, or The hypocrisie and iniquity of fifty nine of the most eminent of the clergy, in and about the city of London] [Cleerly discovered out of two of their own pamphlets, one intituled, A serious and faithful representation; the other, A vindication of the ministers of the Gosped, in and about the city of London. Together with a prophesie of John Hus, touching the choos
  • 17066
    Book Info
    [The discoverer. [VVherein is set forth (to undeceive the nation) the reall plots and stratagems of Lievt. Col. John Lilburn, Mr. William Walwyn, Mr. Thomas Prince, Mr. Richard Overton, and that partie ... / Composed and digested by some private persons, well-wishers to the just and honourable proceedings of the Parliament and Councell of state. Pu
  • 17067
    Book Info
    [The discoverer. [VVherein is set forth (to undeceive the nation) the reall plots and stratagems of Lievt. Col. John Lilburn, Mr. William Walwyn, Mr. Thomas Prince, Mr. Richard Overton, and that partie ... / Composed and digested by some private persons, well-wishers to the just and honourable proceedings of the Parliament and Councell of state. Published by authoritie.]
  • 17068
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    [The new law of righteousness budding forth in restoring the whole creation from the bondage of the curse., or, A glimpse of the new heaven, and new earth, wherein dwels righteousnes.] [Giving an alarm to silence all that preach or speak from hear-say, or imagination. / By Gerrard Winstanley].|Glimpse of the new heaven, and new earth, wherein dwels righteousnes
  • 17069
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    [The poore mans advocate, or, Englands samaritan] [powring oyle and wine into the wounds of the nation. By making present provision for the souldier and the poor, by reconciling all parties, by paying all arreares to the Parl. Army, all publique debts, and all the late K. Q. and Princes debts due before this session].|Englands samaritan
  • 17070
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    [The royal charter granted unto kings, by God himself ]
  • 17071
    Book Info
    [The saints paradise, or, The fathers teaching the only satisfaction to waiting souls] [wherein many experiences are recorded, for the comfort of such as are under spiritual burning. The inward testimony is the souls strength. / By Jerrard Winstanly].|Fathers teaching the only satisfaction to waiting souls
  • 17072
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    [The way of true peace and unity among the faithful and churches of Christ.] [In all humility and bowels of love presented to them / by William Dell one of the least and unworthiest of the servants of G. in the Gospel of his dear Son].
  • 17073
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    [To the right honourable, the Lord Fairfax and his councel of warre] [the humble addresse of Henry Hammond].
  • 17074
    Book Info
    .Haver le-.talmidim = Synergos tois mathetais. = Sodalis discipulis. = The schollers companion, or a little library, containing all the interpretations of the Hebrew and Greek Bible, by all authors, first into the Latine. And now (with the English of every Latine word added thereunto) brought into a pocket book. Not onely for the ear of the learned
  • 17075
    Book Info
    .Haver le-.talmidim = Synergos tois mathetais. = Sodalis discipulis. = The schollers companion, or a little library, containing all the interpretations of the Hebrew and Greek Bible, by all authors, first into the Latine. And now (with the English of every Latine word added thereunto) brought into a pocket book. Not onely for the ear of the learned, but also that the unlearned may come to the kno
  • 17076
    Book Info
    15 Junii, 1648. The particulars of the fight at Colchester (sent in a letter to the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons) was read in the house of Commons: in which letter it appears, the town is besieged, and five hundred of the enemies were taken prisoners, and six hundred left the town, sixty that were killed buried in one churchyard, besides what was slain i
  • 17077
    Book Info
    18. October, 1648. A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the sequestring the estates both real and personal of delinquents, to be imployed for and towards the raising and maintaining of a troop of horse, for the service of the Parliament within the county of Surrey.
  • 17078
    Book Info
    5 Iulii, 11 at night. A letter from the Leaguer before Colchester, sent to the Honorable Committee at Derby-House, of the great fight between his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, and the forces in Colchester. Ordered by the said Committee, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. Gualther Frost, Secr'
  • 17079
    Book Info
    6. Julii, 1648. From the Leaguer at Colchester, more certain news of the fight on Wednesday last; and of their present condition. Printed by the appointment of the Honorable Committee at Derby-house. Gualther Frost Secr'
  • 17080
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    [A briefe vindication of three passages in the practical catechisme] [from the censures affixt on them by the ministers of London, in a book entituled, A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, &c. / by H. Hammond, D.D.].|Brief vindication of three passages in the practical catechism