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총 19,680건 중 17,121 - 17,140건 출력
  • 17121
    Book Info
    13, Augusti, 1645. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the executing the ordinance, dated the 15. of Febru. 1644. For the raising moneys for the maintenance of Sir Tho: Fairfax army, and to continue ten moneths longer, beginning the first day of this instand december, 1645.
  • 17122
    Book Info
    15. June, 1645. It is desired that all the ministers in London, the liberties, and within the lines of communication doe this Sabbath day blesse God that hee hath beene pleased to heare our prayers in the behalf of our army ...
  • 17123
    Book Info
    22. Febr. 1644. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament commanding all officers and souldiers, upon pain of death, to repair to their colours within eight and forty hours after notice of this ordinance.
  • 17124
    Book Info
    8. Septembr. 1645. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for taking away the fifth part of delinquent estates formerly granted by an ordinance of Parliament for maintaining of the vvives and children of delinquents.
  • 17125
    Book Info
    [Erotopaignion] The loves of Hero and Leander : a Greeke poem / written by Musaeus ; translated by Sir Robert Stapylton ...|Hero and Leander
  • 17126
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    [Glorious light]
  • 17127
    Book Info
    [The cow-ragious castle-combat.] [Lately begun in a strong vapour, and ended in a desperate duell. By James Fencer, and William Wrastler. At three of the clock of the night of the third day of the third year of the reigne of the domineering goddesse Bellona. Recorded by the last of the three times three Muses, in the third part of three weeks, and
  • 17128
    Book Info
    [The cow-ragious castle-combat.] [Lately begun in a strong vapour, and ended in a desperate duell. By James Fencer, and William Wrastler. At three of the clock of the night of the third day of the third year of the reigne of the domineering goddesse Bellona. Recorded by the last of the three times three Muses, in the third part of three weeks, and divided into three times three files.]
  • 17129
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    [The holy Bible]
  • 17130
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    [The mysterious kingdome discovered]|Mysteriovs kingdome discovered|To all soveraigne princes and states in Christendome
  • 17131
    Book Info
    6. Julii; 1644. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, declaring John Webster, Theophilus Bainham, Edward Manning, Richard Ford and James Yard, merchants, to be incendiaries between the United Provinces, and the kingdom and Parliament of England
  • 17132
    Book Info
    6. Julii; 1644. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, declaring John Webster, Theophilus Bainham, Edward Manning, Richard Ford and James Yard, merchants, to be incendiaries between the United Provinces, and the kingdom and Parliament of England.
  • 17133
    Book Info
    7 May 1644 at the committee of Lords and Commons for supply of the city of London and Westminster, &c. with wood for fewell.
  • 17134
    Book Info
    [Bill of mortality in London for the week of December 12 to 19, 1644]|London 53, From the 12 of December to the 19, 1644|Diseases and casualties this weeke
  • 17135
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    [Italian mottoes]
  • 17136
    Book Info
    [Logos alexipharmakos] or, Hyperphysicall directions in time of plague collected out of the sole-authentick dispensatory of the chief physitian both of soule and body, and, disposed more particularly, though not without some alteration and addition, according to the method of those physicall directions printed by command of the Lords of the Counsell at Oxford 1644 and very requisite to be used wi
  • 17137
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    [Printer's device and imprint of Robert Bostock of London]
  • 17138
    Book Info
    [Theomachia], or, The grand imprudence of men running the hazard of fighting against God in suppressing any way, doctrine, or practice concerning which they know not certainly whether it be from God or no being the substance of two sermons preached in Colemanstreet upon occasion of the late disaster sustain'd in the west : with some necessary enlar
  • 17139
    Book Info
    1. Crosses, 2. comforts, 3. counsels. Needfull to be considered, and carefully to be laid up in the hearts of the godly, in these boysterous broiles, and bloody times. / By M. Zacharie Boyd.|Crosses, comforts, counsels
  • 17140
    Book Info
    17 Junii, 1643. It is this day ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, that the high-constables of the severall hundreds in the counties of Berks, Buckingham, Middlesex, and Surrey, in whose divisions any sick and maymed souldiers of the Parliaments army are or shall be billeted ...|It is this day ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, that the high-constables of the severall hundreds in