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총 19,680건 중 17,141 - 17,160건 출력
  • 17141
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    20. Junii, 1643. A particular of the names of the licensers, vvho are appointed by the House of Commons for printing; according to an order of the Lords and Commons, Dated the 14. of June, 1643.
  • 17142
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    7 Decemb. 1643 it is this day ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliamens, that Master Marshall be desired to preach at Saint Margarets Westminster on Friday come sevenight to those that shall there meet for the taking of the Solemn League and Covenant ...
  • 17143
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    [A proclamation commanding the muster master generall ...]
  • 17144
    Book Info
    [A short view of the Antinomian errours] [with a briefe and plaine answer to them, as the heads of them lye in order in the next page of this book : being a nest of cursed errors hatched by hereticks, fed and nourished by their proselites : being taken as they were flying abroad were brought as the eagle doth her young ones to see if they could end
  • 17145
    Book Info
    [A short view of the Antinomian errours] [with a briefe and plaine answer to them, as the heads of them lye in order in the next page of this book : being a nest of cursed errors hatched by hereticks, fed and nourished by their proselites : being taken as they were flying abroad were brought as the eagle doth her young ones to see if they could endure to looke upon the sun-beams of truth with fix
  • 17146
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    [A] declaration of the Lords of His Majesties Privie Councell and commissioners for conserving the articles of the treatie for the information of His Majesties good subjects of this kingdome.
  • 17147
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    [An ordinance by the Lords and Commons assembled in] Parliament, concerning the militia of the city of London. Die Mercurii, 19. Julii, 1643.
  • 17148
    Book Info
    [Antiteichisma], or, A counter-scarfe prepared anno 1642 for the eviction of those zealots that in their workes defie all externall bowing at the name of Jesus, or, The exaltation of his person and name by God and us in ten tracts against Jewes, Turkes, pagans, heretickes, schismatickes, &c. that oppose both or either by Tho. Barton ... ; wherein i
  • 17149
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    [By the King. A proclamation declaring certain monies coyned in the kingdome of Ireland to be currant in this kingdome.]
  • 17150
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    [Letter from the king to the masters and wardens of the Haberdashers' Company, directing that the petition of the city of London, and his answer, be read to the Company]
  • 17151
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    [Logos Agonis] or, A sermon of the Christian race preached before His Maiesty at Christ-church in Oxford, May 9, 1643 / by Tho. Barton ... ; whereto is added an advertisement to his country-men, who being misled disaffect the royall cause.
  • 17152
    Book Info
    [Nobilissimi] herois, [Dn.] Caroli Howardi, Comitis Notti[nghamiae, Surriae] P.T. Apotheosis. Ad [illustrissimum] V. Dn Caro[lum H]owardum, Comitem Nott[inghamiae, Baron]em de Effingham, [tou makaritou fratrem super]stitem.
  • 17153
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    [Prosphonesis] classium et ecclesiarum Zelandicarum ad ecclesias Anglicanas intestino bello perturbatas.
  • 17154
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    [Prosphonesis] classium et ecclesiarum zelandicarum ad ecclesias Anglicanas intestino bello perturbatas
  • 17155
    Book Info
    10. Januarii. 1641. His Majesties letter to both House of Parliament.
  • 17156
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    20. Ianuarii. 1641. His Maiesties letter to both houses of Parliament,
  • 17157
    Book Info
    20. Januarii 1641. His Majesties letter to both Houses of Parliament.
  • 17158
    Book Info
    20. Januarii 1641. His Majesties letter to both Houses of Parliament.
  • 17159
    Book Info
    20. Januarii 1641. His Majesties letter to both Houses of Parliament.
  • 17160
    Book Info
    20. Januarii. 1641. His Majesties letter to both houses of Parliament.