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총 19,680건 중 17,201 - 17,220건 출력
  • 17201
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    [Pedigree of the family of Grey de Ruthyn]
  • 17202
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    [Riders dictionarie] [corrected and augmented with the addition of many hundred words ... : the barbarous words which were many hundreds are expunged ... : in the end of the dictionarie you shall finde certaine generall heads of birds, colours ... : lastly, the names of the chiefe places and townes in England, Scotland, and Ireland .. : also hereunto is annexed certaine tables of weights and meas
  • 17203
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    [T]he true hearted l[over], or, A young-man sent a letter to his love to the tune of, I fancy none but thee alone.
  • 17204
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    [The Christian diurnal ...] [reviewed, and much augmented].
  • 17205
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    [The manner of crying things in London]
  • 17206
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    [The pleasant historie of Dorastus and Fawnia VVherein is discovered, that although by the meanes of sinister fortune, truth may be concealed; yet by time, in spight of fortune, it is manifestly revealed. ... By Robert Greene, Master of Arts in Cambridge]
  • 17207
    Book Info
    [The schoole of vertue, and booke of good nurture, teaching children and youth their duties.] Newly perused, corrected, and amended hereunto is added a briefe declaration of the duties of each degree, also certaine prayers and graces / compiled by R.C.]
  • 17208
    Book Info
    [The] Shepheard and the king, and of Gillian the shepheards vvife, with her churlish answers: being full of mirth and merry pastime. To the tune of Flying fame..|Flying fame.
  • 17209
    Book Info
    [The] shepheard and the King, and of Giilian the shepheards vvife, with her churlish answers: being full of mirth and merry pastime. To the tune of Flying fame.
  • 17210
    Book Info
    [The] shepheard and the King, and of Gillian the shepheards vvife with her churlish answers: being full of mirth and merry pastime. To the tune of Flying fame.
  • 17211
    Book Info
    [Wit and mirth]
  • 17212
    Book Info
    1639, almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni M.DC.XXXIX. being the third yeare after bissextile or leape-yeare : calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London / autore Johanne Bookero ...
  • 17213
    Book Info
    [A briefe declaration for what manner of speciall nusance concerning private dwelling houses, a man may have his remedy by assise, or other action as the case requires. Vnfolded in the arguments, and opinions of foure famous sages of the common law; together with the power, and extent of customes in cities, townes, and corporations, concerning the same
  • 17214
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    [By the king. A proclamation prohibiting the making or wearing of demicasters, and the mixing of any wooll in the making of bever-hats]
  • 17215
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    [Come out of her my people] or an ansvver to the questions of a gentlevvoman (a professour in the Antichristian Church of England) about hearing the publicke ministers vvhere it is largely discussed and proved to be sinfull and unlavvfull. Also a iust apologie for the way of total separation (commonly but falsely called Brownisme) that it is the tr
  • 17216
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks Tenth Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 20 Dec. 1638 - July 1639.]
  • 17217
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks Tenth Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 20 Dec. 1638 - July 1639.]
  • 17218
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    [Roberts 1639]
  • 17219
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    [Sinne stigmatized]
  • 17220
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    [The Diseases and casualties this weeke]