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총 19,680건 중 17,261 - 17,280건 출력
  • 17261
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    [The general practise of medecine By Philiatreus.]
  • 17262
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    [The ordering of bees: or, The true history of managing them]
  • 17263
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    [Three pious & religious treatises, viz. 1. Noah's doue (fourth impression). 2. Christs preparation to his owne death (third impression). 3. A Christian taske.]
  • 17264
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    [Three pious & religious treatises, viz. 1. Noah's doue (fourth impression). 2. Christs preparation to his owne death (third impression). 3. A Christian taske.]
  • 17265
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    [V]irgili[us] evangelisans. Sive, Historia domini & salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi, Virgilianis verbis & versibus descripta. opera Alexandri Rossaei ...
  • 17266
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    [...] or, Cupids wrongs vindicated wherein he that Cupids wiles did discover, is proved a false dissembling lover. The mayd shewes such cause that none can her condemne, but on the contrary the fault's layd on him. To the tune of Cupids cruell torments.
  • 17267
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    [...] or, Cupids wrongs vindicated wherein he that Cupids wiles did discover, is proved a false dissembling lover. The mayd shewes such cause that none can her condemne, but on the contrary the fault's layd on him. To the tune of Cupids cruell torments.
  • 17268
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    [...] or, Cupids wrongs vindicated: wherein he that Cupids wiles did discover, is proved a false dissembling lover. The mayd shewes such cause that none can her condemne, but on the contrary the fault's layd on him. To the tune of Cupids cruell torments.
  • 17269
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    [A learned and excellent treatise; containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion.] [Set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar manner.] / [Written first in French] by M. Mat. Virel[: after translated into Latine, and then into English for the use of our countreymen.]
  • 17270
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    [Dionysiou e tes oikoumenes perietesis. Dionysii poemation de situ orbis. Excusum in usum scholae Regiae Etonensis].
  • 17271
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    [Lathams falconry: or, The faulcons lure, and cure:]
  • 17272
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    [Londons affright.] [...] pitty, to all people that shall heare of it in [...]ull fire that hapned on London-Bridge, the 11. [...] To the tune of, Aime not too high.
  • 17273
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    [Marriage licence in Latin]
  • 17274
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    [The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke] [The whole is diuided into three partes: 1. The sicke mans sore. 2. The sicke mans salue. 3. The sicke mans song. / Published by Mr. Zacharie Boyd, preacher of Gods Word, at Glasogw [sic]. August.]
  • 17275
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    [The origine and descent of the most noble and illustrious familie, and name of Douglas: conteyning their lyfes, and valerous actes of armes, for the defence and glorie of the Crowne of Scotland. Collected out of histories, publike monuments, evidents and others the lyke records of ancient memorie, of the Realme of Scotland; and devyd in two traitties, / By David Hume of Gods-croft. Gentilman.].|O
  • 17276
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    [The] complaint and lamentation of Mistresse Arden of [Fev]ersham in Kent who for the loue of one Mosbie, hired certaine ruffians and villaines most cruelly to murder her husband; with the fatall end of her and her associats. To the tune of, Fortune my foe.
  • 17277
    Book Info
    [The] complaint and lamentation of Mistresse Arden of [Fev]ersham in Kent who for the loue of one Mosbie, hired certaine ruffians and villaines most cruelly to murder her husband; with the fatall end of her and her associats. To the tune of, Fortune my foe.
  • 17278
    Book Info
    [The] complaint and lamentation of Mistresse Arden of [Fev]ersham in Kent, who for the loue of one Mosbie, hired certaine ruffians and villaines most cruelly to murder her husband; with the fatall end of her and her associats. To the tune of, Fortune my foe.
  • 17279
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    [A banquet of ieasts. Or Change of cheare Being a collection of moderne jests. Witty ieeres. Pleasant taunts. Merry tales.]
  • 17280
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    [A methodicall preface prefixed before the epistle to the Romanes ...] Made by the right reuerend father in and faithfull seruant of Christ Iesus, Martin Luther ...