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총 19,680건 중 17,341 - 17,360건 출력
  • 17341
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    [Six sermons never heretofore published. Viz. i. S. Pauls exercise]
  • 17342
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    [So short a catechisme] [that whosoeuer cannot or will not learne, are not in any wise to be admitted to the Lords Snpper [sic]].
  • 17343
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    [The spyte of Spaine, or, a thankfull remembrance of Gods mercie in Britanes dileuerie from the Spanish Armado. 1588.]
  • 17344
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    [The testaments of the the twelue patriarches, the sonnes of Iacob:] [translated out [of] Greeke into Latine by Robert Grosthead, sometime Bishop of Lincolne; and out of his copie, into French and Cuthc by others: and now Englished].|Testaments of the twelve patriarchs. English.|Bible. Apocrypha Testament of the twelve patriarchs. English. 1628.
  • 17345
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    [Theophrastou ethikoi charakteres] Theophasti notationes morum.|Characters.
  • 17346
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    [To] the honorable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament The humble remonstrance of the benefits of drayning fenne lands in the severall counties of Yorke, Lincolne, Cambridge, Norfolke and Huntington.
  • 17347
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    [A short introduction of grammar]|Short introduction of grammar.|Brevissima institutio, seu ratio grammatices cognoscendae.
  • 17348
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    [An aduice]. [Touching the currancie in payment of our English gold. ; As also, a table of the seuerall worths of all pieces vncurrant through want of weight, at His Majesties exchanges at London. Calculated according to the number of graines wanting. Most necessarie for all. That the true value of the vncurrant coyne may bee knowne]|Aduice touching the currancie in payment of our English gold|
  • 17349
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    [Arti]cles [to be?] [an]suuered [by] the church-vvardens and sworne-men in the ordinary visitation of the right worshipfull M. Morgan Wynne, batchelor of diuinitie, Archdeacon of Lincolne, 1627.
  • 17350
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    [Forsameekle as by ane act ...]
  • 17351
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    [Newsbooks Fifth Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne; Jan. 1627 - Feb. 1628.]
  • 17352
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    [Stoicheiosis Eloquiorum dei, sive Methodus religionis christianae catechetica In usum academiae Iacobi Regis, & scholarum Edinburgensium conscripta ab Ioanne Adamsono, academiae moderatore primario.]
  • 17353
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    [The A.B.C. with the catechism] [that is to saie, the instruction ... to be learned of euerie childe]
  • 17354
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    [The practice of pietie] [directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. / Amplified by the author].
  • 17355
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    [The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold, Ioh. Hopkins and others].
  • 17356
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    [Two treatises Of mentall prayer, ...]
  • 17357
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    [Gilden 1626.] [A almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1626. Being the second from bissextile or leap-yeare. Calculated and composed according to art for the latitude and meridian of the towne of Shipston vpon Stowre in the county of Worcester: and may well serue for all the south parts of Great Britaine. / By G. Gilden Philomathe]|Gilden 1626. A almanac and prognostication
  • 17358
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    [The] most excellent, profitable and pleasant booke of the famous doctor and expert astrologian Arcandam, or Alcandrin, to finde the fatall destiny, constellation, complexion, and naturall inclination of euery man and child by his birth with an addition of phisiognomie, very pleasant to reade / now newly turned out of French into our vulgar tongue,
  • 17359
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    [Tou makariotatou kai sophotatou patros emon papa kai ... kypillou suntomos pragmateia kata Ioudaios ...]
  • 17360
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    1602. 1603. A true report of all the burials and christnings within the Citie of London and the liberties thereof, from the 23. of December, 1602 to the 22. of December, 1603 VVhereunto is added the number of euery seuerall parish, from the 14. of Iuly, to the 22. of December, aswell within the Citie of London, and the liberties thereof, as in other parishes in the skirts of the citie and out of t