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총 19,680건 중 17,381 - 17,400건 출력
  • 17381
    Book Info
    [By the King]. [A proclamation to inhibite the sale of Latine bookes first printed in Oxford or Cambridge].|Proclamation to inhibite the sale of Latine bookes first printed in Oxford or Cambridge|Proclamation to inhibit the sale of Latin books first printed in Oxford or Cambridge|Wee therefore out of our princely care hereof, as of a matter concerning our owne honour
  • 17382
    Book Info
    [Catalogus Protestantium] or, the Protestants kalender Containing a suruiew of the Protestants religion long before Luthers dayes, euen to the time of the apostles, and in the primitiue church. By George Web D. of Diuinity, and preacher of the word of God at the Bathe.
  • 17383
    Book Info
    [Good newes from New-England: or A true relation of things very remarkable at the plantation of Plimoth in Nevv-England.] [Shewing the wondrous providence and goodnes of God, in their preservation and continuance, being delivered from many apparant deaths and dangers. Together with a relation of such religious and civill lawes and customes, as are
  • 17384
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks Second Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter. Nicholas Bourne, and Thomas Archer; 11 Oct. 1623 - Dec. 1624.]
  • 17385
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks: Published by Thomas Archer; 9 Sep. 1624 - 15 Aug. 1628.]
  • 17386
    Book Info
    [Primera parte de las Comedias de Don Guillén de Castro.]
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 17387
    Book Info
    [The] follouuing of Christ deuided into foure bookes / written in Latin by the learned and deuout man Thomas à Kempis, chanon regular of the Order of S. Augustine ; translated into English by F.B.|Imitatio Christi. English. 1624.|Of the following of Christ.
  • 17388
    Book Info
    [Chaucer newly painted] [by William Painter].
  • 17389
    Book Info
    [Device and imprint of Bernard Alsop, with motto, 'Contrahit avaritia bellum']
  • 17390
    Book Info
    [Imprint and printer's mark of Euphues golden legacie].
  • 17391
    Book Info
    [May 30. Number 34. The last newes].|Good billet and prouision ready vpon their first demand
  • 17392
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks First Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter. Nicholas Bourne, Thomas Archer, William Sheffard and Bartholomew Downes; 15 Oct. 1622 - 2 Oct. 1623.]
  • 17393
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks First Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter. Nicholas Bourne, Thomas Archer, William Sheffard and Bartholomew Downes; 15 Oct. 1622 - 2 Oct. 1623.]
  • 17394
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks First Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter. Nicholas Bourne, Thomas Archer, William Sheffard and Bartholomew Downes; 15 Oct. 1622 - 2 Oct. 1623.]
  • 17395
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks First Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter. Nicholas Bourne, Thomas Archer, William Sheffard and Bartholomew Downes; 15 Oct. 1622 - 2 Oct. 1623.]
  • 17396
    Book Info
    [P]anegyric a l'Angleterre [p]ar maistre Iehan Brossier sieur de la Riuiere groissard, aduocat en la cour de parlement de Paris.
  • 17397
    Book Info
    [The military art of trayning. With the discipline of drilling all in lively portraytures]
    De Gheyn
  • 17398
    Book Info
    [The praise of hemp-seed]
  • 17399
    Book Info
    [The] attourneys academy:, or, The manner and forme of proceeding practically, vpon any suite, plaint, or action whatsoeuer, in any court of record, whatsoeuer, within this Kingdome: especially, in the great covrts at Westminster, to whose motion all other courts of law or equitie, as well those of the two prouinciall counsailes, those of Guild-hall London, as those of like cities and townes corp
  • 17400
    Book Info
    [True copies of all the Latine orations, made and pronounced at Cambridge, on Tuesday and Thursday, the 25. and 27. of Februarie last past 1622. by the Vice-chancellor and others of that Vniuersitie. In their entertainment of the excellent lord, Don Charles de Coloma, ambassador for his Catholike Majestie of Spaine, to the Kings most Excellent Maie