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총 19,680건 중 17,521 - 17,540건 출력
  • 17521
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    [Theses logicae]
  • 17522
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  • 17523
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    [A discourse for parents honour and authoritie Written respectiuely to reclaime a young man that was a counterfeit Iesuite.]
  • 17524
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    [Ane godly treatis, callit the first and second cumming of Christ] [with the tone of the winters-nicht shewing brieflie our native blindness / by James Anderson].|First and second cumming of Christ|Winter night
  • 17525
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    [C]orderius dialogues translated grammatically; for the more speedy attaining to the knowledge of the Latine tongue, for writing and speaking Latine. Done chiefly for the good of schooles, to be vsed according to the direction set downe in the booke, called Ludus literarius, or The grammar-schoole.
  • 17526
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    [Irish paraphrase of the rule of the Friars Minor, w. the Paternoster, etc.]
  • 17527
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    [Pan]dosto The triumph of time. Wherein is discouered by a pleasant hystorie, that although by the meanes of sinister fortune, truth may be concealed, yet by time in spite of fortune, it is most manifestly reuealed. Pleasant for age to auoide drowsie thoughts, profitable for youth to eschue other wanton pastimes; and bringing to both a desired cont
  • 17528
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    [T]hargum, hoc est, [praecl]arissima paraphrasis in [Cant]icum Canticorum, antiqui[tu]s Chaldaica dialecto conscriptae, & diebus iamdudum praeteritis in Latinum conuersa. [Nun]c autenrè Biblijs Regijs, in gratiam [e]orum qui eisdem destituuntur, seorsim edita, / ab Edmundo Rivio Hagiographicarum linguarum in civitate Londinensi professore..
  • 17529
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    [The Bible containing the Old Testament, and the New / newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised ; by His Maiesties speciall commandement]
  • 17530
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    [The English schoole-maister]
  • 17531
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    [The Holy Bible]|Bible. English. Authorized. 1614.|Bible. O.T. Apocrypha. English. Authorized. 1614.|Genealogies recorded in the sacred Scriptures.
  • 17532
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    [The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England]
  • 17533
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    [The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England]
  • 17534
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    [The psalter or Psalmes of Dauid]
  • 17535
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    [Farmer, 1614]
  • 17536
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    [Godly meditations upon the most holy sacrament of the Lordes supper. In the end. De eucharistiae controversia, admonitio brevis.]
  • 17537
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    [The] merchant royall a sermon preached at White-Hall before the Kings Maiestie, at the nuptialls of the right Honorable the Lord Hay, and his Ladie, vpon the twelfe [sic] day last, being Ianuar. 6. 1607.
  • 17538
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    [Two] treatises concerning regeneration 1. Of repentance. 2. Of the diet of the soule. Shewing, the one it ought to be sought after and may be attained vnto. The other, how it being gotten, is to be preserued and continued.
  • 17539
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    [A briefe method of catechizing wherein are handled these foure points : 1. How miserable all men are by nature, 2. What remedie God hath appointed for their deliuerance, 3. How they must liue that are deliuered, 4. What helpes they must vse to that end : the same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added].
  • 17540
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    [Charter to Shipwrights company]