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총 19,680건 중 17,541 - 17,560건 출력
  • 17541
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    [Device and imprint of Richard Field of London]
  • 17542
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    [Keene] 1612 [an new almanacke and] prognostication for the [yeare of our Lord] God 1612, being leap-yeare ... / [by Iohn Keene ...]
  • 17543
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    [The commons complaint] [wherein is contained two speciall grievances. The first, the generall destruction and waste of woods in this kingdome, with a remedy for the same : also how to plant wood according to the nature of euery soile, without losse of ground, and how thereby many more and better cattle may be yearly bred, with the charge and profit that yearely may arise thereby. The second grie
  • 17544
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    [A declaration and plainer opening of certaine pointes, in with a sound confirmation of some other, contained in a treatise intituled, The divine beginning of Christes true visible and ministeriall church. Written in a letter by the author of the said treatise out of the low countrey to a friend of his in England.]
  • 17545
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    [A note] of some things called into question and controverted in the exiled English church at Amsterdam
  • 17546
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    [Anti-Coton, or, A Refutation of Cottons letter declaratorie] [lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the Iesuites doctrine, touching the killing of kings : a booke, in which it is proued that the Iesuites are guiltie, and were the authors of the late execrable parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, Henry the
  • 17547
    Book Info
    [Anti-Coton, or, A Refutation of Cottons letter declaratorie] [lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the Iesuites doctrine, touching the killing of kings : a booke, in which it is proued that the Iesuites are guiltie, and were the authors of the late execrable parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, Henry the Fourth, of happie memorie : to which is added, a
  • 17548
    Book Info
    [Aph]thonii [pr]ogymnasmata [partim] à Rodolpho Agricola, partim [à I]oanne Maria Catanaeo, latinitate donata ; cum scholijs R. Lorichij.|Progymnasmata.
  • 17549
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    [Ariostos Seven Planets Governing Italie Or His Satyrs]
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 17550
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    [Of prayer and meditation.] [Contayning foureteene meditations, for the seauen dayes of the weeke; both for mornings and euenings. Treating of the principal matters and holy mysteries of our faith. Written by F. Leuues de Granada.].
  • 17551
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    [Propylaion,] or An entrance to the Spanish tongue.
  • 17552
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    [Queen Anna's nevv vvorld of words, or dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues,] [c]ollected, and newly muc[h augmented by] Iohn Florio, reader of the Italian vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of Anna, crowned Queene of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. And one of the gentlemen of hir Royall Priuie Chamber. Whereunto are added certaine n
  • 17553
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    [The Christian catechism]
  • 17554
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    [The Holy Bible] [conteyning the Old Testament, and the New / newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by His Maiesties speciall comandement ; appointed to be read in churches]|Bible. English. Authorized. 1611.
  • 17555
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    [The lawe-dayes, whereon these courts here names, are appointed to be kept, this present yeere 1611. (that is to day,) on all those dayes are kept]
  • 17556
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    1610. Fiue hundred points of good husbandry As well for the champion or open country, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euery moneth with huswifery, ouer and besides the booke of huswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented, to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, herbes, bees and approued remed
  • 17557
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    [Compass rose from map 'The prouince of Connaugh [sic] with the citie of Galwaye described', with author and printer statements, from unidentified printing of 'A prospect of the most famous parts of the world'] Performed by Iohn Speede and are to be solde in Popes hedd Alley against the Exchange by Iohn Sudbury and George Humble. Anno Do: mini [sic
  • 17558
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    [Imprint and t.p. woodcut portrait from: Apologie of George Brisset, Lord of Gratence]
  • 17559
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    [Miscellaneous manuscript accounts of Harington family]
  • 17560
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    [Miscellaneous manuscript material of John Harington]