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총 19,680건 중 17,561 - 17,580건 출력
  • 17561
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    [Summarie and short meditations touching sundry poynts of Christian religion] [gathered by T.VV. and now published for the education and profit of Gods saints].
  • 17562
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    [The divine beginning and institution of Christs church]
  • 17563
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    [The dreadfull day dolorous to the wicked. In two sermons. By William Leigh.]
  • 17564
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    [The generall historie of the Turkes...] [Written by Richard Knolles, somtyme fellowe of Lincoln Collge in Oxford.]
  • 17565
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    [The generall historie of the Turkes...] [Written by Richard Knolles, somtyme fellowe of Lincoln Collge in Oxford.]
  • 17566
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    [The historie of Beuis of Hampton]
  • 17567
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    [The iudges charge]
  • 17568
    Book Info
    [The manners, lavves, and customes of all nations. Collected out of the best vvriters by Ioannes Boemus Aubanus, a Dutch-man. With many other things of the same argument, gathered out of the historie of Nicholas Damascen. The like also out of the history of America, or Brasill, written by Iohn Lerius. The faith, religion and manners of the Aethiopi
  • 17569
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    [Tithes and oblations according to the lawes established in the Church of England] W.C.
  • 17570
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    [Title list of dramatic works]
  • 17571
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    [A true relation of the] birth of three monsters in the city of Namen in Flanders: [as also Gods iudgement vpon an vnnaturall sister of the poore womans, mother of these obortiue children, whose house was consumed with fire from heauen, and her selfe swallowed into the earth. All] which happned the 16. of December last. 1608. Faithfully translated,
  • 17572
    Book Info
    [A true relation of the] birth of three monsters in the city of Namen in Flanders: [as also Gods iudgement vpon an vnnaturall sister of the poore womans, mother of these obortiue children, whose house was consumed with fire from heauen, and her selfe swallowed into the earth. All] which happned the 16. of December last. 1608. Faithfully translated, according to the Dutch copy, printed in the same
  • 17573
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    [Bill of mortality]
  • 17574
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    [Camp-bell, or the ironmongers faire feild.] [A pageant at the installation of Sir Thomas Cambell in the office of Lord Mayor of London, 29 Oct. 1609.]
  • 17575
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    [Crynnodeb] o adysc Cristnogaul
  • 17576
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    [Device and imprint of Humphrey Lownes]
  • 17577
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    [Instructions] for the increasing of mulberrie trees, and the breeding of silke-wormes for the making of silke in this kingdome whereunto is annexed His Maiesties letters to the lords liestenants [sic] of the seuerall shiers of England tending to that purpose.
  • 17578
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    [Lessons for consort] [made by sundry excellent authors, and set to sixe severall instruments, namely, the treble lute, treble violl, base violl, bandora, citterne, and the flute ; now newly set forth by Philip Rosseter].
  • 17579
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    [Letter, ca. 1609 Feb. 7, London? to] Mr. [Joseph] Hall, [London?]
  • 17580
    Book Info
    [T]he triumph of a Christian contayning three excellent and heauenly treatises, 1. Iacobs wrestling with God, 2. The conduit of comfort, 3. A preparatiue for the Lords Supper : full of sweet consolations for all that desire the comfortable sweetnesse of Iesus Christ, and necessary for those vvho are troubled in conscience / written by that vvorthy