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총 19,680건 중 17,581 - 17,600건 출력
  • 17581
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    [The exercise of a faithfull soule. Contayning pithy prayers, and godly meditations.]
  • 17582
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    [The two gates of saluation, set wide open: or the mariage of the Old and New Testament]
  • 17583
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    1608 [Bill of mortality] from the [16 February] to the [23]
  • 17584
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    [A nest of ninnies Simply of themselues without compound. Stultorum plena sunt omnia. By Robert Armin.]
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 17585
    Book Info
    [A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Yorke,] [against popish transubstantiation, and their communion vnder one kinde, the first Sunday in Lent, Ann. Dom. 1607.] / [By Thomas Dodson, Maister of artes].
  • 17586
    Book Info
    [Bookplate of Elizabeth Pindar, with motto: God's Providence is mine inheritance.]
  • 17587
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    [By the King] [a proclamation for buildings]|Proclamation for buildings|Continuall new buildings, and addition and increase of buildings in and neere about the city of London
  • 17588
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    [By the King] it hath beene our desire and disposition in all the course of our gouernment (as one of the best and safest remedies) to extend our naturall clemencie in forewarning offenders where reason of state will not permit vs to vse the same in dispensing with their offences ...|It hath beene our desire and disposition in all the course of our gouernment ... to extend our naturall clemencie
  • 17589
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    [Johannes Wolf's printer's device and imprint]
  • 17590
    Book Info
    [The Apprehension, arraignment, and execution of E. Abbot] as also the arraignement, conuiction, and execution of George Iaruis priest after the order of Saint Benedicts, both which suffered death on Munday the eleuenth of Aprill, 1608.
  • 17591
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    [Theses logicae. St. Leonard's]
  • 17592
    Book Info
    1607 Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire in VVales Contayning, the wonderfull and most fearefull accidents of the great ouerflowing of waters in the saide countye, drowning infinite numbers of cattell of all kinds, as sheepe, oxen, kine and horses, with others: together with the losse of many men, women and children, and the subuersion of xxvi parishes in Ianuary last 1607.
  • 17593
    Book Info
    1607. A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflow[ings] of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and [other] places of England destroying many thousands of men, wome[n,] and children, ouerthrowing and bearing downe whole townes and villages, and drowning infinite numbers of sheepe and other cattle.
  • 17594
    Book Info
    1607. A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflowings of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England destroying many thousands of men, women, and children, ouerthrowing and bearing downe whole townes and villages, and drowning infinite numbers of sheepe and other cattle.
  • 17595
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    [Calliepeia or a rich store-house of proper, choise, and elegant Latine words and phrases, collected for the most part out of all Tullies works]
  • 17596
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    [Catonis] disticha de moribus cum scholiis Des. Erasmi Roterodami ; adiecta sunt, dicta Græca sapientum, interprete Erasmo Roterodamo ; eadem per Ausonium, cum Erasma doctissimi, enarratione ; Mimi Publiani ex eiusdem Erasmi restitutione, cumque scholijs eiusdem ; Isocratis ad Demonicum oratorio parenetica ... ; omnia summa cura, diligentiáque excusa.|Catonis disticha.
  • 17597
    Book Info
    [Naturall and artificiall directions for health] [deriued from the best philosophers, as well modern as auncient / newly corrected, reuised, and enlarged by the former authour].
  • 17598
    Book Info
    [Nicholas Okes and Roger Jackson 1607 imprint, and printer's device McK. 334]|London, Printed by Nicholas Okes for Roger Iackson|Brotherly persvvasion to vnitie, and vniformitie in iudgement, and practise touching the receiued, and present ecclesiasticall gouernment, and the authorised rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
  • 17599
    Book Info
    [The New Testament ]|Bible. N.T. English. Geneva. 1607.
  • 17600
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    [The good hows-holder.]