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총 19,680건 중 18,361 - 18,380건 출력
  • 18361
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    [The grounde of artes] [teachyng the worke and practise of arithmetike]
  • 18362
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    [The pryimer set furth]
  • 18363
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    [Whippet you priests]
  • 18364
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    [A boke made by Iohan Fryth, prysoner in the Towr of London] [answering vnto. M. Mores letter, which he wrote against the fyrst lytle treatyse that Iohan Fryth made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ: vnto which boke are added in the ende the artycles of his examination before the bysshoppes ... for whych Iohn Frith was condem
  • 18365
    Book Info
    [A boke made by Iohan Fryth, prysoner in the Towr of London] [answering vnto. M. Mores letter, which he wrote against the fyrst lytle treatyse that Iohan Fryth made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ: vnto which boke are added in the ende the artycles of his examination before the bysshoppes ... for whych Iohn Frith was condempned and after brente ... the forth day of Iuly.
  • 18366
    Book Info
    [A boke made by Iohan Fryth, prysoner in the Towr of London] [answering vnto. M. Mores letter, which he wrote against the fyrst lytle treatyse that Iohan Fryth made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ: vnto which boke are added in the ende the artycles of his examination before the bysshoppes ... for whych Iohn Frith was condempned and after brente ... the forth day of Iuly.
  • 18367
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    [A comedy concernynge thre lawes, of nature Moses, & Christ, corrupted by the sodomytes. Pharysees and Papystes Compyled by Iohan Bale. Anno M. D.XXXVIII.]
  • 18368
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    [A declararation [sic] of the twelue articles of the christen faythe] [with annotations of the holy scripture, where they be grounded in. And the righte foundation and principall comon places of the hole godly scripture, a goodly short declaration, to all Christians profitable and necessarye for to come to the right vnderstondynge of holy Scripture
  • 18369
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    [A] table of [the] principall matters c?teined in the [By]ble in whiche the [re]ders may fynde and practyse many commune places.|Table of the principall matters conteined in the Byble in whiche the reders may fynde and practyse many commune places
  • 18370
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    [An exposicion vppon the v.vi.vii. chapters of Mathew.]
  • 18371
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    [Book of prayers]
  • 18372
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    [Cautels preservatory concerning the preservation of the gods which are kept in the pyx]
  • 18373
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    [Certein places gathered out of .S. Austens boke intituled de essentia diuinitatis,] verye necessary to vnderstand certein darke places of the byble and especiallye the Prophetes gachered [sic] by Herman Bodius a faithfull preacher. and now lately turned into Inglysh.]
  • 18374
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    [Colophon of: A boke made by Johan Fryth]
  • 18375
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    [Device and imprint of Gabriel Giolito di Ferrarii of Venice, with the motto 'Dela mia morte eterna vita i vivo: semper eadem']
  • 18376
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    [Devo]ut meditacions, [psal]mes and praiers [to] bee vsed aswell in the morning as eauentyde gathered out of the Holy Scriptures and other godly wryters.
  • 18377
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    [Enchiridion militis Christiani, which may be called in englyshe ye hansome weapon of a Chrysten knyght] [replenyshed with many goodlye and godlye preceptes / made by the famus [sic] clearke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprynted. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.]
  • 18378
    Book Info
    [Enchiridion militis Christiani, which may be called in englyshe ye hansome weapon of a Chrysten knyght] [replenyshed with many goodlye and godlye preceptes / made by the famus [sic] clearke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprynted. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.]
  • 18379
    Book Info
    [Enchiridion militis Christiani, which may be called in englyshe ye hansome weapon of a Chrysten knyght] [replenyshed with many goodlye and godlye preceptes / made by the famus [sic] clearke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprynted. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.]
  • 18380
    Book Info
    [Enchiridion militis Christiani, which may be called in englyshe ye hansome weapon of a Chrysten knyght] [replenyshed with many goodlye and godlye preceptes / made by the famus [sic] clearke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprynted. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.]