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총 34,607건 중 32,941 - 32,960건 출력
32941Book InfoA great plot discovered against the whole kingdome of England. Wherein is declared, the manner how an army from Denmark should have landed in the island of Loving-land. for the invading and subverting this nation, and violating the lawes thereof. Also, a discovery of the Earl of Montrosse his design in Denmark and his raising of an army in the saidEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32942Book InfoA great victorie against the rebels in Ireland neere Trim, on May 24, 1647. With the particulars therof, the Earle of Westmeath and 220 officers and souldiers slaine, and 600 horse and foot routed, by Col. Fenwicks forces that went lately from England, and the names of the officers slaine and wounded on our side. And how Sir Henry Tichburn, and SirEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32943Book InfoA great wonder in heaven, or, A lively picture of the militant church drawn by a divine pencill : Revel. 12, 1, 2 : discoursed on in a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at Margarets, Westminster, on the last monethly fast-day, January 27, 1646/7 / by John Arrowsmith ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32944Book InfoA great wonder in heaven: or, A lively picture of the militant church, drawn by a divine pencill. Revel. 12. 1, 2. Discoursed on in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at Margarets Westminster, on the last monethly fast-day, January 27. 1646/7. / By John Arrowsmith; B.D.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32945Book InfoA guide for strangers in the kingdome of Ireland. Wherein the high-wayes and roads from all the sea-townes, market parishes, great or small is truely set down, throughout every province, and the whole kingdom, / by a surveyor thereof John Woodhouse. ; As also a map of Ireland and the townes thereof alphabetically printed ... ; As also, a true relation of the bloody massacres, tortures, cruelties,Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32946Book InfoGallant nevves for London. From His Majesties royall court at Holmby; wherein is set forth, three remarkable passages, to be presented to the citizens of London, viz. The [brace] 1. Conceerning (sic) the kingdome of Ireland. 2. Concerning General Fairfax. 3. Concerning the kingdome of England.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32947Book InfoGallen. 1647. A new almanack for the said year. : Usefull for the kingdome of Great Britain: containing directions to such that use marts anfairs, also to travellers that coast the kingdome, with other notes of good consequence. / Made by Tho. Gallen Mathemat.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32948Book InfoGenerall Masseys Bartholomew-Fairings for Collonell Poyntz, and the London reformadoes.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32949Book InfoGentlemen, the bills from Iohn Booker stuck upon posts the last Lords day, are scandalous impudent lyes ...|Bloody almanack.|Whereas upon Thursday last, December 16. 1647.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32950Book InfoGod magnified, man dethroned presented to the Parliament, and synod of England : who sit as if judges for saints, as if leaders, and guides unto the generation of Jesus Christ, the body of the communion of God / by W. Bray.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32951Book InfoGods glory vindicated and blasphemy confuted being a brief and plain answer to that blasphemous book intituled, Twelve arguments against the deity of the Holy Ghost, written by Tho. Bidle, Master of Arts, and now burnt by speciall command from the Parliament on Wednesday the 8 of this present September ... : wherein the arguments of the said book aEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32952Book InfoGods glory vindicated and blasphemy confuted: being a brief and plain ansvver to that blasphemous book intituled, Twelve arguments against the deity of the Holy Ghost, written by Tho. Bidle Master of Arts, and now burnt by speciall command from the Parliament on Wednesday the 8 of this present September, by the common hangman. Wherein the argumentsEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32953Book InfoGods gracious thoughts tovvards great sinners.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32954Book InfoGods holy minde touching matters morall: which himself uttered in ten vvords, or Ten Commandements. Also, Christs holy minde touching prayer; delivered in that most holy prayer, which himself taught unto his disciples. / Discovered by the light of his own holy writ, and delivered by questions and answers. By the late reverend and faithfull preacher of Gods word, Mr. Edvvard Elton ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32955Book InfoGods providence a sermon preached before the honorable House of Commons at their solemn fast, Decemb. 28, Anno 1642, in St. Margaret's Church at Westminster / by Ed. Corbett.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32956Book InfoGold tried in the fire, or The burnt petitions revived. A preface.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32957Book InfoGood counsel in bad times, or, A good motion among many bad ones being a discovery of an old way to root out sects and heresies and an earnest desire for a complyance with all men to settle peace with justice : as also a relation of a remarkable piece of justice done by Duke William called the Good : likewise an epistle to the reader / by John Musgrave ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32958Book InfoGood counsel in bad times, or, A good motion among many bad ones being a discovery of an old way to root out sects and heresies and an earnest desire for a complyance with all men to settle peace with justice : as also a relation of a remarkable piece of justice done by Duke William called the Good : likewise an epistle to the reader / by John Musgrave ...|Good motion among many bad ones.|DiscourEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32959Book InfoGood thoughts in worse times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, meditations on the times, meditations on all kind of prayers, occasionall meditations / by Tho. Fuller ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32960Book InfoGood thoughts in worse times. Consisting of personall meditations. Scripture observations. Meditations on the times. Meditations on all kind of prayers. Occasionall meditations. / By Tho. Fuller. B.D.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1647전문보기 (Full Text Access)